
新型城镇化质量指标体系的构建与实证测度——基于全国42个主要城市的研究 被引量:4

Construction and Empirical Measurement of Quality Index System of New Urbanizaiton ——A Research based on 42 Major Cities of the Whole Country
摘要 为客观、全面地评价城镇化质量,设计了一套由6个子系统、15个准则层指标和48个具体指标构成的新型城镇化质量评价指标体系,选取全国42个重点城市作为样本;采用熵值法等从横截面反映和测度城镇化质量状况。结果表明:42个城市的城镇化质量总体上发展不平衡,呈现出"东高西低"的梯次分布特征,而且东部与西部的差距较大,空间差异十分明显。因此,新型城镇化发展应协调推进,尤其要注重提升中西部地区城市的城镇化水平和质量。 In order to evaluate the urbanization quality objectively and comprehensively, a new urbanization quality evaluation Index system, which consists of 6 subsystems, 15 criteria layers and 48 concrete indexes, is designed to select 42 key cities in the country as samples, and the entropy method is used to reflect and measure the quality status of urbanization from cross section. The results show that the urbanization quality of 42 cities is unbalanced, showing the echelon distribution characteristics of "East High West low", and the gap between East and West is big, and the space difference is obvious. Therefore, the development of new towns should be coordinated, especial y to improve the urbanization level and quality of the cities in the Midwest.
作者 胡星 何宇鹏
出处 《中国名城》 2018年第6期19-28,共10页 China Ancient City
基金 国家社科基金项目"基于结构转型 时空质均衡演化的新型城镇化质量提升研究"(编号:14BJL062)
关键词 新型城镇化质量 指标体系 综合评价 实证测度 new urbanization quality Index system comprehensive assessment empirical measure
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