
自动弹力线痔疮套扎器在重度痔中的应用效果分析 被引量:8

Effect Analysis of Automatic Thread-elastic Hemorrhoidal Ligator for Severe Hemorrhoids
摘要 为探讨自动弹力线痔疮套扎器在重度痔中的应用效果,将重度痔患者120例随机分为观察组和对照组,每组60例。观察组采用自动弹力线痔疮套扎术治疗,对照组采用传统痔外剥内扎术治疗。对比2组患者疗效、术后并发症及炎症因子。结果显示,观察组总有效率为95.00%,明显高于对照组的81.66%(P<0.05)。观察组术后疼痛评分、出血评分及水肿评分均明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后2组患者炎症因子均明显下降(P<0.05),但观察组下降幅度比对照组更明显(P<0.05)。结果表明,自动弹力线痔疮套扎术较传统痔外剥内扎术可明显提高重度痔治疗有效率、减缓患者术后疼痛、出血及水肿等并发症,并可显著降低患者血清炎症因子水平。 This study was to explore the effect of automatic thread-elastic hemorrhoidal ligator in the treat- ment of severe hemorrhoids,randomly divided 120 cases of severe hemorrhoids into observation group and control one, 60 cases for each, which the former received above procedure, meanwhile the latter still conven- tional external dissection and internal ligation;then compared effect, postoperative complication and inflam matory factor between the two groups.As results,in total effective rate the former was signficantly higher than the latter(95.00% vs 81.66%, P〈0.05);in the socre on pain,on bleeding and on edema after surgery the former was significantly lower than the latter( P〈0.05) ;after treatment inflammatory factor level in the two groups was greatly declined( P〈0.05),but the decline extent of the former was more distincter than the latter( P〈0.05).Results show that this procedure can significantly enhance effective rate,al lievate postoperative pain, bleeding as well edema, etc, complication, and reduce serum inflammatory factor level,compared with conventional procedure for severe hemorrhoids.
作者 程永升 李雪辉 李超 方龙 陈科 CHENG Yong-sheng;LI Xue-hui;LI Chao;FANG Long;CHEN Ke(Coloproctological Dept. of Hongxing Hospital, the 13th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construc- tion Corps ,Hami ,Xinjing 839000)
出处 《中国肛肠病杂志》 2018年第4期46-48,共3页 Chinese Journal of Coloproctology
关键词 重度痔 自动弹力线 套扎器 并发症 炎症因子 Severe hemorrhoid Automatic thread elastic Ligator Complication Inflammatory factor
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