
意大利学校一体化政策发展的历史、经验与思考 被引量:2

The History and Experience of Italian School Integration Policy and its Implications for China
摘要 学校一体化政策是意大利废除隔离式特殊教育、革新一体化教育、发展全纳教育,将有特殊教育需要的学生安置于普通学校的一项重要举措。自1971年问世以来,学校一体化政策先后经历了快速推进、全面深化和质量转型三个阶段。意大利学校一体化政策在改革与发展过程中,就如何解决残疾学生既"有学上"又"学得好"这一问题积累了丰富经验。这些经验对思考如何实现我国残疾儿童随班就读可持续发展的启示在于:一要立足我国实际,确立适切的随班就读发展方式;二要进一步完善我国残疾儿童随班就读政策体系建设。 The integration policy in Italy is a policy of being abolished isolated educa-tion,reformed integrated education and developing inclusive education,which is an impor-tant measure to include students with disabilities into mainstream schooling to learn andlive. Since 1971 Italy had published the first school integration policy,which has undergonedifferent periods,which are rapid development,full and deepen development and trans-formed development period,with radical,comprehensive and two-step-reform characters.The implications of the school integration policy reform in Italy for us learning in regularclassrooms are:establishing a proper developing model of learning in regular classroomsbased on our practice and improving the policy system of learning in regular classrooms' construction.
作者 贾利帅 JIA Lishuai(Education Science Faculty, University of Padova, Padova 35122, Italy)
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期116-128,共13页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 2016年国家留学基金委国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目"意大利全纳教育研究"(项目编号:201606990017)
关键词 意大利 学校一体化 一体化教育 全纳教育 随班就读 Italy School Integration integrated education Inclusive Education learning in regular classrooms
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