
基于Global Mapper利用ASTER GDEM提取输电线路断面的应用研究

Study on the Application of Extraction for Transmission Lines Section Based on Global Mappper and ASTER GDEM Data
摘要 本文首先介绍了开放DEM数据ASTER GDEM,然后阐述了使用Global Mapper软件和ASTER GDEM数据提取输电线路断面的技术方法,并以实际工程为例,分析ASTER GDEM数据提取输电线路的精度及其在输电线路设计初期的适用性,以期为相关研究者提供借鉴。 In this paper, free Dem ASTER GDEM first was introduced, also the technical method of extraction for transmission lines section based on Global Mapper and ASTER GDEM data were studied. Finally,extract values were compared to predicted ones, and explored applicability of this technical method in transmission lines early design stage. The author hopes that this paper can provide reference for the relevant scholars.
作者 贾永基 JIA Yongji(Zhengzhou Electric Power Design Institute, China Electric Power Equipment and Technology Co., Ltd.,ZhengzhouHenan 45001)
出处 《河南科技》 2018年第2期19-20,共2页 Henan Science and Technology
关键词 ASTERGDEM 输电线路 断面提取 ASTER GDEM;transmission lines;section extracting
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