

Rational Reflection on Trade in Aviation Services Rules of TPP from Liberalization Perspective
摘要 基于贸易自由化理念的指引,TPP对跨境航空服务贸易予以调整。TPP以《服务贸易总协定》及其《关于空运服务附件》为依托文本,经由"否定例外"等立法技术规制六大航空服务贸易类型。TPP跨境航空贸易规则的效力逊于航空运输协定和关于空运服务附件。TPP各缔约方在附件Ⅰ和附件Ⅱ对跨境航空服务贸易规则作了严苛保留。TPP未能成功建构国际航空服务贸易自由化新秩序。TPP在国际航空贸易领域的作用非常有限,不足以冲击非缔约方。双边性的航空运输协定和自由贸易协定是包括TPP缔约方在内的各方调整国际航空服务贸易的关键平台。 TPP governs cross-border trade in aviation services under the guidance of trade liberalization idea. On the basis of GATS and its Annex on Air Transport Services, TPP governs six types of trade in aviation services and draws support from "negative exception" and other forms. The effect of TPP trade in cross-border aviation services rules is behind Air Transport Agreement, and Annex on Air Transport Services. TPP contracting parties take strict reservations on cross-border trade in aviation services in its Annex I and II. A new liberalization order on international trade in aviation services has not been built in TPP, TPP exerts very limited influence on international trade in aviation services and can not assault non-contracting parties. Bilateral Air Transport Agreement and free trade agreements are the critic platforms for all parties including TPP contracting parties to govern international trade in aviation services.
作者 高乐鑫 GAO Le-xin
出处 《国际商务研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期88-96,共9页 International Business Research
基金 中国法学会重点专项课题“中国积极参与国际民航规则制定研究”(项目编号:CLS(2015)ZDZX22).
关键词 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定 跨境航空服务贸易 否定例外 负面清单 TPP cross-border trade in aviation services negative exception negative list
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