
正念训练:幼儿教师专业发展的现实之需 被引量:2

Mindfulness Training: The Reality Need for Preschool Teachers' Professional Development
摘要 正念训练是一种以正念为基础,有目的、不评判的将注意力集中于当下的训练方法。正念训练对幼儿教师专业发展具有现实意义,不仅可以提升幼儿教师的专业理念、增强专业意识,而且能拓展幼儿教师的专业知识、提高专业能力。幼儿教师专业发展的正念训练需要有一定的保障体系,包括建立正念训练的合作机制、建构正念训练的幼儿园支持系统、组建幼儿教师正念训练的学习共同体。 Mindfulness training is a method of focusing on the current training method that is based on mindfulness, purpo-seful, and non-judgmental. Mindfulness training has practical significance for the professional development of preschool tea- chers. It can not only enhance the professional concept of preschool teachers, but also increase professional awareness, and it can also expand the professional knowledge of preschool teachers and improve their professional capabilities. The training of mindfulness training for preschool teachers' professional development needs a certain degree of security system, including the establishment of a mechanism for the cooperation of mindfulness training, the establishment of a support system for the train- ing of mindfulness training, and the formation of a learning community for the training of young children's mindfulness.
作者 周晓芸 彭先桃 ZHOU Xiaoyun;PENG Xiantao(School of Education, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei 43402)
出处 《科教导刊》 2018年第18期78-79,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 正念训练 幼儿教师 专业发展 mindfulness training preschool teaches professional development
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