
SDN与传统架构网络互连研究 被引量:5

Research on network interconnection of traditional architecture and SDN
摘要 软件定义网络(SDN)是一种新型转控分离的网络架构。但目前SDN的部署是小规模的,传统架构的网络仍然占据主导地位,由于SDN对网络设备的定义与传统截然不同,导致其与传统网络无法很好的兼容并存。本文旨在解决SDN网络与传统网络之间实现互连的问题,在对SDN的工作原理研究学习之后,考虑将SDN与传统网络视为两个自治系统(AS),之间利用BGP协议进行通信,以实现网络互连。具体为设计一个SDN应用,该应用启动一个BGP Speaker与BGP路由建立对等体,同步网络层可达信息,实现传统网络和SDN相互连通。通过在虚拟机中进行仿真实验,验证了此方法的可行性。结果显示SDN域内的主机可以与域外的主机实现连通。 Software defined network(SDN)is a new type of network architecture,which separated control plane and forward plane.But now,SDN deployments are behind in miniature,and traditional architectures still dominate.And because the definition of SDN is different from classic network,it can not be compatible with traditional network.The purpose of this thesis is to solve the problem of interconnection between SDN and traditional network.After studying the working principle of SDN,considering SDN and traditional network as two autonomous systems(AS),BGP protocol is used to communicate with each other in order to realize network interconnection.By designing a SDN application,the application starts a BGP Speaker to establish peer with BGP router,synchronization network layer reachable informations,to achieve the traditional network and SDN mutual connectivily.A set of simulation experiments are carried out in virtual machine to verify the feasibility of this method.The results show that the host within the SDN domain can communicate with the host outside.
作者 邹圣恺 雷志勇 Zou Shengkai;Lei Zhiyong(School of Electronic Information Engineering,Xi'an Technological University,Xi'an 710021 ,China)
出处 《电子测量技术》 2018年第4期71-75,共5页 Electronic Measurement Technology
关键词 OpenFlow BGP RYU 异构网互连 OpenFlow BGP RYU interconnection of heterogeneous networks
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