
利润率趋向下降规律新一轮争论的数理与经验考察 被引量:1

Mathematical and Empirical Investigation of the New Debate on the "Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profitto Fall"
摘要 德国学者海因里希对利润率趋向下降规律的否定,引发了围绕此规律的新一轮争论。此轮争论有两个焦点问题,一个是资本构成和剩余价值率的共同作用是否会造成一般利润率趋向下降,另一个是能否以及如何对一般利润率进行经验考察。因无法推断剩余价值率增速和资本构成增速的确定关系而否定利润率趋向下降规律,是对马克思的误解。一般利润率的长期变动空间其实只取决于资本物化构成(生产资料的价值与活劳动创造的价值之比),不受剩余价值率的影响。资本物化构成随着劳动生产力水平的发展而提高,一般利润率的变动空间也随之而不断地被压缩。第二次世界大战后美国经济的经验事实表明,即使在剩余价值率增速超过资本构成增速时,一般利润率依然有可能呈现出下降趋势。 German scholar Heinrich's denying of the "law of the tend- ency of the rate of profit to fall" led to a new debate on this law. The debate has two key issues, one is if the combination of capital composition and the rate of surplus value will cause the general rate of profit tend to fall, the other is whether and how to study the general rate of profit empirically. It is a misunderstanding of Marx to say that the "law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall" is uncertain, owing to that one do not know if the increasing rate of capital composition is greater than that of the rate of surplus value. The long-term range of variation of the rate of profit is determined only by the materialized composition of capital, which is the ratio of the value of means of production to the value created by living labor, independent of the rate of surplus value. The materialized composition of capital will increase with the development of labor productivity, and the range of variation for the general rate of profit will be compressed continuously. Empirical facts of the USA economy after the World War lI indicate that even when the rate of surplus value increases more quickly than the composition of capital, the general rate of profit may still shows a long-term downward tendency.
作者 李亚伟 Li Yawei
出处 《海派经济学》 CSSCI 2018年第1期130-152,共23页 Journal of Economics of Shanghai School
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“马克思主义视阈下中国实体经济与虚拟经济的利润率比较研究”(16CJL002) 四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费学院自主立项项目(2018JJ-08)的阶段性成果
关键词 一般利润率 利润率趋向 下降规律 资本物化构成 生产性劳动 General Rate of Profit Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall Materialized Composition of Capital Productive Labor
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