
2012—2014年肇庆市居民期望寿命及主要死因分析 被引量:4

Life expectancy and leading causes of death of residents in Zhaoqing,2012-2014
摘要 目的分析肇庆市居民死亡水平、期望寿命及主要死因特征,为制定疾病预防控制措施和政府决策提供依据。方法本研究通过漏报调查获得各年龄组的死亡漏报率,以此计算各年龄组校正死亡率,使用WHO推荐的蒋庆琅法编制简略寿命表,并对肇庆市居民主要死因进行分析。结果 2012—2014年肇庆市居民死因监测漏报调查结果显示,居民死亡个案共1 583例,漏报189例,平均死亡漏报率为11.94%。经死亡漏报结果推算,2012—2014年肇庆市居民平均粗死亡率为591.98/10万,平均校正死亡率为672.24/10万,校正平均期望寿命为78.37岁;男性平均校正死亡率为756.37/10万,校正平均期望寿命为75.40岁,女性平均校正死亡率为584.40/10万,校正平均期望寿命为81.59岁;城市平均校正死亡率为563.90/10万,校正平均期望寿命为80.00岁,农村地区平均校正死亡率为771.86/10万,校正平均期望寿命为77.13岁;各年龄组平均校正死亡率呈"√"形趋势;居民前5位死因依次为呼吸系统疾病、恶性肿瘤、脑血管疾病、心脏病和损伤中毒(伤害)。结论肇庆市存在死因漏报情况,心脑血管疾病和恶性肿瘤等慢性疾病及伤害导致的死亡是影响肇庆市居民期望寿命的重要原因,提示肇庆市应考虑将慢性病及伤害作为疾病预防控制工作的重点。 Objective To analyze the life expectancy and leading causes of death of residents in Zhaoqing. Methods Through investigating the missing reports,the missed rate of death was obtained to calculate the adjusted mortality rate for each age group. A brief life table was formulated using the method recommended by the World Health Organization and the leading causes of death of residents in Zhaoqing City were analyzed. Results From 2012 to 2014,the under-reporting investigation of death among residents in Zhaoqing were 1 583,with 189 deaths failed to report. The average death rate of failing to report was 11. 94%,the average crude death rate was 591. 98 per 100 000. the average adjusted death rate was672. 24 per 100 000,and the adjusted life expectancy was 78. 37 years. The average adjusted mortality rate was 756. 37 per 100 000 and the average adjusted life expectancy was 75. 40 years for males,and the average adjusted mortality rate was 584. 40 per 100 000 and the average adjusted life expectancy was 81. 59 years for females. The average adjusted mortality rate was 563. 90 per 100 000 and the adjusted average life expectancy was 80. 00 years in urban areas,and the average adjusted death rate was 771. 86 per 100 000 and the adjusted average life expectancy was 77. 13 years in rural areas. The annual average adjusted mortality rate of all age groups showed a "√"trend. The top five causes of death were respiratory diseases,malignant tumors,cerebrovascular diseases,heart diseases,and injury and poisoning. Conclusion There is under-reporting cases of death. Deaths caused by chronic diseases,such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,malignant tumors,and injuries are important factors affecting the life expectancy of residents in Zhaoqing. It is suggested that chronic diseases and injuries should be considered as the focus of disease prevention and control in Zhaoqing.
作者 冼国佳 梁大艳 陆素颖 林绍良 钟伟强 彭妙瑚 李翠媚 XIAN Guo-jia;LIANG Da-yan;LU Su-ying;LIN Shao-liang;ZHONG Wei-qiang;PENG Miao-hu;LI Cui-mei.(Zhaoqing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhaoqing 526060, Chin)
出处 《华南预防医学》 2018年第3期221-226,共6页 South China Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 肇庆市医疗卫生类科研项目(2015040301-27)
关键词 死亡原因 死亡率 期望寿命 流行病学 Causes of death Mortality Life expectancy Epidemiology
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