

Application and Development of AFDX Based on VxWorks
摘要 美国WindRiver公司研发的嵌入式多任务操作系统VxWorks是目前世界上用户量最大的实时操作系统,它为程序员提供了高效的任务调度、中断管理、实时的系统资源以及实时的任务间通信,已成功应用于航空、航天、舰船、通信、医疗等关键领域。航空子系统之间信息的传递是机载系统最重要的部分,是电子系统传递数据的最佳方法。航空电子全双工交换以太网(AFDX)是为航电子系统之间进行数据交换而制定的电气和协议标准,速度比ARINC429快了许多,基于VxWorks的AFDX能够有效地保证航空数据通信的实时性和稳定性。 VxWorks is a multi-task operating system which is studied and developed by American WindRiver company. It currently has the biggest number of users in the world and provides efficient task scheduling, interrupt management, real-time system resource and real-time communication between tasks for programmers. VxWorks has been successfully applied in the key fields of aerospace, ship, communications, and medical etc.. The transmission of information between the subsystems is the most important part of the airborne system and it is the best way to transmit data in the electronic system. Avionics Full Duplex Ethernet (AFDX) is an electrical and protocol standard for data exchange between avionics systems, which is much faster than AR/NC429. AFDX based on VxWorks can effectively ensure the real-time and stability of aviation data communication.
作者 张丽 ZHANG Li(AVIC Shanghai Aviation Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201100, China)
出处 《航空电子技术》 2018年第A01期57-60,共4页 Avionics Technology
关键词 VXWORKS 航空电子全双工交换以太网(AFDX) 实时性 稳定性 VxWorks avionics full duplex Ethernet (AFDX) real-time stability
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