
船舶复合材料上层建筑概念设计及力学行为研究 被引量:3

Concept Design and Mechanical Behavior Research of Composite Superstructure for Ships
摘要 针对船舶轻量化的发展需求,以轻质复合材料夹芯结构为上层建筑的基础板材,以船用复合材料T形连接和Y形连接作为设计节点,将局部设计节点与基础板架有机组合实现集成式船舶复合材料上层建筑的概念设计。分析船舶上层建筑的多种受载形式,研究其在波浪环境中联合载荷作用下的力学行为表征和宏观响应特性,预报复合材料上层建筑与主船体之间的相互作用及其对船舶总纵弯曲的贡献效率,为船舶复合材料上层建筑的优化设计、可靠性和安全性分析提供有益参考。 Aiming at the developing demands of ship lightweight, the composite sandwich panel is used as the foundation plates of ship superstructure. The T-shaped and Y-shaped joints are used as the design nodes, and the concept design of integrated superstructure is obtained by the combination of the local connected nodes and foundation plates. Analyzing several loading forms of ship superstructure, its mechanical behavior and response characteristics under the combined loads in wave environment are investigated. The interaction between composite superstructure and metal main hull and its contribution to the longitudinal bending are predicted, which offers good reference for the optimization design and safety as well as reliability analysis of ship composite superstructure.
作者 李晓文 朱兆一 李妍 扈喆 李平 LI Xiaowen;ZHU Zhaoyi;LI Yan;HU Zhe;LI Ping(School of Marine Engineering, Jimei University, Fujian Xiamen 361021, China;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Fujian Xiamen 361021, China;College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)
出处 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期88-93,共6页 Ship Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51609101) 福建省自然科学基金(2018J05090) 福建省教育厅项目(JAT170315 JAT170314)
关键词 复合材料 船舶上层建筑 力学行为 船舶轻量化 composite material ship superstructure mechanical behavior ship lightweight
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