

Impact of different callers on response to name in autism spectrum disorders infants
摘要 目的对孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)幼儿在不同叫名者叫名时的反应特征进行分析,以探究叫名者熟悉程度对幼儿叫名反应的影响。方法 2017年4月-2018年2月采用视频分析的方式,对72例ASD幼儿的行为反应进行评分,并与同年龄36例正常儿童(NT)及36例发育迟缓儿童(DD)进行对比。结果除DD组幼儿在反应率方面由不同叫名者叫名时的反应差异有统计学意义外(Z=-5.01,P<0.01),三组幼儿在叫名反应得分、反应时间、反应持续时间及反应率各指标方面由不同叫名者叫名时的反应差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。ASD组及非ASD组幼儿由单一叫名者叫名时有反应者所占比例均低于测试者与照顾者分别叫名整体有反应者的比例,差异均有统计学意义(χ~2=11.15、9.06、11.39、10.23,P均<0.01)。结论虽然各组幼儿在照顾者叫名时并无明显反应偏好,但通过测试者与照顾者分别叫名,能够有效降低幼儿在叫名反应测试中的无反应性偏倚。 Objective To explore the influence of different callers on response to name among infants with autism spectrum disorders(ASD). Methods Totally 72 ASD,36 developmental delays(DD)and 36 neuro-typical(NT)infants aged 16 to 30 months,were recruited from Child Developmental and Behavioral Center and near communities from April2017 to February 2018.Response to name contained two main procedures:the tester procedure and the caregiver procedure.Behavioral data were collected by cameras,coded by two professional staffs,and compared among three groups. ResultsThe difference of response rate between the tester procedure and the caregiver procedure in DD group was significant(Z=-5.01,P〈0.01);While the differences on response rate in ASD and NT group,the differences on response score,response time,and response duration time among three groups were not significant(P〈0.05).Moreover,there were significant differences on the proportion of responsive infants in both ASD and non-ASD group between single caller procedure and the total procedures(χ~2=11.15,9.06,11.39,10.23,all P〈0.01). Conclusion Although there was no significant response preference for caregivers among all group infants,subjects'name called by testers and caregivers respectively could effectively reduce the response bias in response to name procedures.
作者 朱风雷 陈凯云 汪芳 成三梅 邹小兵 ZHU Feng-lei;CHEN Kai-yun;WANG Fang;CHENG San-mei;ZOU Xiao-bing(Child Developmental and Behavioral Center, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510630 ,China)
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 2018年第7期709-711,716,共4页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 公益性行业科研专项项目(201302002) 广东省天河区科技计划项目(2013KW037)
关键词 孤独症谱系障碍 叫名反应 视频分析 autism spectrum disorders response to name video analysis
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