
实体化区块链:模式视角下的体系建构——以联邦制中通快递为例 被引量:3

Materialized Blockchain:the Perspective of Constructive System——Taking Zhongtong with Federal System as the Example
摘要 随着技术的日益成熟,区块链的应用已从金融领域逐步延伸至更为多元的空间,并引发了各界的研究热潮。从本质而言,区块链存在技术和模式两个层面的构建,在模式维度下,诸如"三通一达"的联邦制快递企业已具有区块链的实体化特征,主要体现于组织管理、机构、信用体系等方面,不同组织在具体维度上虽然存在着形式、内容、流程等差异,但其构建的底层模式、逻辑却有着高度的相似性。分析联邦制中通快递的区块链应用状况,可以展现实体化区块链的具体表现以及隶属同一模式下快递组织的区块链特征,内容聚焦于多重中心化管理、内部市场构建、介入权力、信用体系、共识机制等方面。通过与传统区块链模式所呈现的去中心化、去信任化等特征进行比较,内生于联邦制快递企业的实体化区块链在诸多领域都表现出传承、改造与创新。与强调技术、推演的传统研究路径不同,以模式视角、实证分析为主的研究,可以更好地认识与诠释这一"传统"但又"不传统"的快递行业与组织,论证其实体化区块链的存在与演变过程。 With the maturing of technology, the application of blockchain has been extended from financial field to more diversified space, which triggered research on that. Essentially, the construction of blockchain exists on both the level of technology and pattern. In the dimension of pattern, enterprises with the federal system, such as Yuantong, Shentong, Zhongtong, and Yunda, have already had the characteristic of materialized blockchain in terms of organizational management, institution and credit system; though there are some differences in terms of form, content and process, the bottom pattern and logic of them are highly similar to each other. Analyzing the blockchain application in Zhongtong with federal system can show us the real situation of materialized blockchaln and the characteristic of blockchain in express enterprises with the same pattern ; and the focuses of content are on multi-centralized management, internal market construction, intervention power, credit system and consensus mechanism. By comparing to such characteristics of traditional blockchaln pattern as decentralization and distrust, the materialized blockchain in express enterprises with federal system has demonstrated inheritance, reengineering and innovation. Different from traditional research path with the emphasis of technology and deducting, research focusing on pattern and empirical analysis can help us better understand and explain the "traditional", and also "not traditional" express industry and organization, and testify the existence and evolution process of the materialized blockchain.
作者 金任群 朱逸 JIN Ren-qun;ZHU Yi(ZTO Express, Shanghai201708, China)
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期45-52,共8页 China Business and Market
关键词 实体化区块链 快递行业 联邦制快递 中通快递 模式视角 materialized blockchain express industry express enterprise with federal systemm Zhongtong Express the perspective of pattern
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