
烟草NtGRAS基因的克隆与转录激活及表达特性分析 被引量:3

Clone of NtGRAS gene in tobacco and its transcriptional activation and expression analysis
摘要 以烟草品种NC89为试验材料,通过电子克隆获得1个烟草GRAS家族基因NtGRAS。该基因编码区长为1 311 bp,编码436个氨基酸。生物信息学分析结果显示,NtGRAS蛋白的相对分子质量为47 781,等电点为5.16,亚细胞定位于细胞核。进化树分析发现,NtGRAS蛋白与拟南芥At SCL23蛋白高度同源。酵母转录激活结果表明,Nt GRAS蛋白具有转录激活活性。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,NtGRAS在烟草的根、茎、叶和花中均有表达,其中在根部的表达量最高;低温(4℃)、NaCl(200μmol/L)和干旱均能诱导NtGRAS基因上调表达。 In this study, a novel GRAS transcription factor gene named Nt GRAS was isolated by silico cloning from Ncotiana tabacum(NC89). The cloned complete ORF of Nt GRAS was 1 311 bp, for a protein of 436 amino acids. Bioinformatics analysis indicated that Nt GRAS with molecular weight 47 781, isoelectric point 5.16 and located in the nucleus. It shared high homology with At SCL23 in Arabidopsis thaliana by the phylogenetic analysis. A transactivation assay in yeast cells demonstrated that the Nt GRAS protein possessed a transcriptional activation activity. Real–Time PCR analysis indicated that Nt GRAS expressed in roots, stems, leaves and flowers, especially in roots. In addition, Nt GRAS expression was up–regulated by low temperature(4 ℃), Na Cl(200 μmol/L) and drought treatments.
作者 杨辉 杨晓娜 王翀 卢向阳 田云 YANG Hui;YANG Xiaona;WANG Chong;LU Xiangyang;TIAN Yun(College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan 410128, China;Hunan Province University Key Laboratory for Agricultural Biochemistry and Biotransformation, Changsha, Hunan 410128, China;Hunna Engineering Laboratory for Resource Utilization of Animal Faeces Wastes, Changsha, Hunan 410128, China)
出处 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期271-277,共7页 Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20134320110010) 湖南省自然科学基金重点项目(13JJ2028) 湖南省教育厅重点项目(13A041) 湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX2015B240)
关键词 烟草 NtGRAS 转录激活 基因表达 tobacco NtGRAS transcriptional activation gene expression
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