
可穿戴式柔性触觉传感单元制备及测试 被引量:1

The Preparation and Properties Testing of Wearable Flexible Tactile Sensing Unit
摘要 针对触觉传感器存在一定的局限性,提出了一种基于无源无线的柔性触觉传感器,首先利用等离子体与表面活性剂联合修饰工艺提高柔性衬底与金属材料之间的粘附性;其次制备了具有周期性结构的褶皱电极结构;最后以无褶皱的CNTs/PDMS复合材料和有褶皱的电感为力敏敏感单元和输出单元,研制了无源无线振荡传感器结构并进行了手指弯曲测试。测试结果表明:手指在不同弯曲程度时,传感器的信号会发生明显的漂移,证明了其能够初步应用到手指弯曲感应方面。 Since there are some limitations to tactile sensors,a flexible tactile sensor based on passive wireless sensor is proposed. Firstly,the flexible substrate is modified by plasma technology combined with surfactant to increase adhesion between flexible substrate and metallic material. Secondly,a folded electrode structure with periodic structure is prepared. Finally,a wireless passive oscillation sensor structure with no fold CNTs/PDMS composite force sensitive element and with inductance folds for induction output unit is designed and tested in the bending test finger. The test results show that when the fingers are in different degrees of curvature,the sensor signals will drift obviously,which shows that the passive wireless tactile sensor can be applied to finger bending induction.
作者 刘韵 LIU Fun(Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automotive, Chongqing Technology and Business Institute, Chongqing 401520, China)
出处 《电子器件》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第3期813-818,共6页 Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
基金 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJ1603807)
关键词 柔性电极 聚二甲基硅氧烷 褶皱结构 电子皮肤 flexible electrode polydimethylsiloxane wrinkling E-skin
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