
杜仲灵芝散对湘沙猪配套系肥育性能及肉质的影响研究 被引量:4

Study on the Effect of Fed Eucommia Ulmoides Feish and Ganoderma Lucidum on the Fattening Performance and Meat Quality of Xiangsha Pigs Synthetic Lines
摘要 为研究灵芝与杜仲灵芝散对湘沙猪配套系肥育猪肥育性能与肉质的影响,试验选用42头、体重55 kg左右的湘沙猪配套系猪,随机分为3组,每组2个重复,每个重复7头猪。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验1组和试验2组分别饲喂在基础饲粮中加入1%灵芝粉和1%杜仲灵芝散的饲粮。试验期63 d。饲养试验结束后,每组随机抽取4头进行屠宰及肉质测定。结果表明,在饲粮中单独添加1%灵芝粉对湘沙猪配套系肥育性能没有影响,而添加1%杜仲灵芝散有提高日增重、降低料重比的趋势。大理石纹,试验2组比试验1组提高12.33%(P<0.05);粗蛋白质,试验1组比对照组提高8.51%(P<0.05);苯丙氨酸,试验1组比对照组提高17.5%(P<0.05)。钾元素,试验1组比对照组提高4.76%(P<0.05);镁元素,试验1组比试验2组提高9.44%(P<0.05)。日增重、屠宰率、瘦肉率、肌肉p H、L*、a*、b*、失水率、贮存损失、熟肉率等指标各组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。综上所述,饲粮中添加灵芝粉能提高湘沙猪配套系肌肉中的粗蛋白质、苯丙氨酸和钾元素含量;添加杜仲灵芝散,有提高湘沙猪配套系日增重和肌肉大理石纹、降低料重比的趋势;饲粮中添加杜仲灵芝散提高湘沙猪配套系的肥育性能和肉质改善效果优于单独使用灵芝粉。 In order to study the fattening performance and meat quality on the effect of fed Castanea mollissima feish(CMF) and Eucommia ulmoides-Castanea mollissima(EU-CM) of Xiangsha synthetic lines, the test selected forty-two Xiangsha Pig synthetic line with an initial body weight of 55 kg, which were randomly divided into three groups with two replicates per group and seven pigs per replicate. Control group fed basal diet, Group 1 and Group 2 respectively fed basal diet with 1% CMF and 1% EU-CM, the test lasted 63 days. Four pigs of each group were slaughtered and meat quality test after finishing test. The results showed as follows: the diet with 1% CMF had no effect on the fattening performance of Xiangsha synthetic lines, while with 1% EU-CM can increase the trend of the daily gain and reduce the feed conversion ratio. Marbling points of Group 2 was significantly higher 12.33% than that of Group 1(P0.05); CP of Group 1 was significantly higher 8.51% than that of Control group(P〈0.05); phenylalanine of Group 1 was significantly higher 17.5% than that of Control group(P0.05). The mineral element of K of Group 1 was significantly higher 4.76% than that of Control group(P0.05); the mineral element of Mg of Group 1 was significantly higher 9.44% than that of Group 2(P0.05). No significant difference was seen among the three groups in the ratio of daily gain, dressing percentage, lean meat percentage dehydrating rate, storage losses, cooked meat, p H, L*, a*, b* value, marble and so on meat quality(P0.05).In summary: the diet with CMF can significantly increased CP, phenylalanine, the mineral element of K in muscle of Xiangsha Pig synthetic line, with EU-CM can increase the trend of the daily gain, marbling points in muscle and reduce the feed conversion ratio of Xiangsha Pig synthetic line. The diet with EU-CM increase the fattening performance and improved meat quality of Xiangsha Pig synthetic line much better than with CMF single.
作者 张兴 吴买生 宾石奇 粟泽雄 刘传芳 刘伟 石红超 ZHANG Xing;WU Maisheng;BIN Shiqi;SU Zexiong;LIU Chuanfang;LIU Wei;SHI Hongchao(Animal Breeding Station of Xiangtan, Xiangtan 411104, China;Xiangtan Agricultural Committee, Xiangtan411104, China;Xiangtan Long Hu Qing Agricultural Development Company, Xiangtan 411207, China;Shaoshan Animal Husbandry-Veterinary&Fishery Bureau, Xiangtan 411300, China)
出处 《养猪》 2018年第3期9-13,共5页 Swine Production
基金 湖南省农业委现代生猪产业技术体系建设项目(2015-2019年) 湖南省科技厅重点研发计划"优质湘沙猪配套系选育研究"(2016NK2037)
关键词 灵芝 杜仲灵芝散 湘沙猪配套系 肥育性能 肉质 castanea mollissima eucommia ulmoides-castanea mollissima Xiangsha Pig synthetic line fatten原ing performance meat quality
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