3月14~16日,为期3天的2018中国国际纺织面料及辅料(春夏)博览会(简称"intertextile春夏面辅料展")在国家会展中心举行。作为一年一度的国际纺织行业盛会,本届intertextile春夏面辅料展对近3 400家全球面辅料企业的品牌展示,吸引了来自104个国家及地区的82 314名专业买家到场参观,比去年增长15.2%,以十足的魅力,高阶进级,为身处发展动能变革,从高速发展向高质量发展转变中的纺织业提供新思路,引领潮流。
Since 2008, China International Textile Machinery Exhibition and ITMA Asia exhibition have been successfully held for 5 sessions. On October 2018 15~19, the sixth joint exhibition will be held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center(Shanghai). This exhibition will uphold the concept of providing high quality services to the global textile machinery manufacturers and the textile industry customers, together to create a mutual exchange and common enterprise for the textile machinery manufacturing enterprises and the textile industry professionals.