建立了嘧霉胺·啶酰菌胺水分散粒剂的高效液相色谱分析方法。以甲醇和水为流动相,使用C18色谱柱和紫外可变波长检测器,在254 nm波长下对样品中嘧霉胺和啶酰菌胺进行分离和测定。结果表明嘧霉胺和啶酰菌胺的线性相关系数分别为0.999 0和0.999 6,标准偏差分别为0.089和0.097,变异系数分别为0.32%和0.42%,平均回收率分别为99.33%和99.51%。该方法具有较高的准确度和精密度,操作简便、快速,可满足嘧霉胺·啶酰菌胺水分散粒剂的分析工作。
The quantitative analysis method for pyrimethanil and boscalid WG by HPLC was stablished. The pyrimethanil and boscalid in samples were separated and determined with methanol and water as mobile phase,C18 column and UV detector at 254 nm wavelength. The results showed that the linear correlation coefficients for pyrimethanil and boscalid were 0.999 0 and 0.999 6, the standard deviations were 0.089 and 0.097, the variation coefficients were 0.32 % and 0.42%, the average recovery rates were 99.33% and 99.51%. The method is simple, rapid, and has high precision and accuracy, which can meet the analysis of boscalid and pyrimethanil in WG.
LIU Yumin(Shanxi Province Institute of Chemical Industry(Co.,Ltd.), Taiyuan 030021, China)
World Pesticide