
乌兰布和沙漠引种抗虫杨树品种中龄期生长适应性评价 被引量:6

Growth Adaptability Evaluation of Insect Resistant Poplar Varieties of Middle Age in Ulan Buh Desert
摘要 为了更好地选择杨树优良品种进行推广栽培,通过调查不同品种的树高、胸径、成活率、保存率、干型、冻害、虫害7项指标,运用隶属函数法对乌兰布和沙漠东北部16种抗虫杨在中龄期的适应性进行了综合评价。结果表明:16种抗虫杨的适应性综合评价结果排序为北抗16-22>08-09>中林315>08-03>天黑>08-08>中林2005>北抗16-27>08-02>08-07>京2>京6>Simplot>北抗16-8>08-14>DN-34。北抗16-22在中龄期保存率高、年生长量大、抗虫性强,各个方面均表现最优,应作为本区域的主推品种,可进行大规模造林。08-14成活率和保存率均最低,且易感病;DN-34保存率低,冻害严重,年生长量最低,这两个品种不适于在当地大面积推广。中林315、08-03、08-08、中林2005、北抗16-27、08-02可适当推广栽植。08-09和天黑成活率及保存率高,年生长量也较大,但易感染虫害,在侵害初期要早预防、早治理,不要把虫害带到造林地,否则容易导致相互感染。 In order to select excellent afforestation varieties for forest extension and cultivation, this study investigated the height, diameter at breast height, survival rate, preserving rate, stem form, cold injury, insect pest 7 indexes of different tree varieties of middle age using the subordinate function method on the adaptability of 16 varieties of insect resistant poplar in middle growth stage at the northeast of Ulan Buh Desert, and carried out the comprehensive evaluation. The results showed that the adaptability orders of 16 insect resistant poplar were Beikang 16-22〉08-09〉 Zhonglin 315〉08-03〉Tianhei〉08-08〉Zhonglin 2005〉Beikang 16-27〉08-02〉08-07〉Jing 2〉Jing 6〉Simplot〉Beikang 16-8〉08-14〉DN-34. Preserving rate, annual growth rate and insect resistibility of Beikang 16-22 were better than those of the others, so it could be main popularized varietiy in this area and large scale afforestation could be carded out. Survival rate and preserving rate of 08-14 were the lowest and it was susceptible to diseases. Preserving rate, cold injury and annual growth rate of DN-34 were also not good. These 2 varieties were not suitable for large scale popularization in this area. Zhonglin 315, 08-03, 08-08, Zhonglin 2005, Beikang 16-27 and 08-02 could be planted on a proper scale. As for 08-09 and Tianhei with high survival and preserving rates, larger annual growth, but susceptible to insect pests, early prevention and treatments at initial violated stage were extremely necessary, so do not bring insects to planted land! Otherwise, mutual infection would be generated.
作者 董雪 赵英铭 黄雅茹 刘禹廷 马迎宾 王志刚 郝玉光 刘芳 DONG Xue;ZHAO Yingming;HUANG Yaru;LIU Yuting;Ma Yingbin;WANG Zhigang;HAO Yuguang;LIU Fang(Experimental Center of Desert Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Inner Mongolia Dengkou 015200;Inner Mongolia Dengkou Desert Ecosystem Research Station, State Forestry Administration, Inner Mongolia Dengkou 015200;Institute of Desertification Studies, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091;Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Aeademy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China)
出处 《中国农业科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期123-129,共7页 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(CAFYBB2017MB002)资助
关键词 抗虫杨 生长特性 适应性 综合评价 insect resistant poplar growth characteristic adaptability comprehensive evaluation
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