
智能时代的航运与物流 被引量:3

shipping and logistics in the age of intelligence
摘要 航运已经走进智能时代,航运业作为现代物流供应链中重要的一环,将传统航运业务与先进信息技术有效融合,切实提升“互联网+高效物流”的思维方式,打造了智慧航运新生态.智慧航运与智慧物流,相辅相成,相互促进,协同发展,现代物流业将又一次实现阶梯式的飞跃. Since 2003, the Internet of Things(IOT) technology was first used in the field of logistics tracking back. Around 2005, Internet of Things technology has achieved great development. The threetier architecture technology of perception layer, network layer and application layer of the Internet of Things system was formally proposed, the Internet of Things development went into the fast lane. The development of the Internet of Things technology promotes the integration of logistics entity network with the virtual network world through perception technology, which enables logistics to have vitality and generate intelligent logistics system with the help of information technology. In 2009, under the strong initiative of the state, the Internet of Things technology in China showed a boom in development. In the logistics field, IOT technology was gradually popularized and applied. Based on the application of Internet of Things technology in the logistics industry, Wang Jixiang, Vice President of China Association of Warehouses and Storage(CAWS) put forward the concept of Intelligent Logistics for the first time in 2009, and began to advocate Intelligent Logistics vigorously. Now the development of today's society has entered the era of intelligence, and the concept of Intelligent Logistics has been put forward for nearly ten years. The vigorous development of the new generation of information technology, such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and mobile Internet, is promoting the transformation of intelligent logistics. Intelligent Logistics integrates the Internet of Things, sensor network and the existing Internet to realize the logistics automation and visualization, control, intelligent and network, so as to improve resource utilization and productivity levels. As an important part of the modern logistics supply chain, shipping industry effectively integrates the traditional shipping operations and advanced information technology, promoting "Internet + efficient logistics" way of thinking and building a new ecological wisdom shipping. Intelligent shipping and Intelligent Logistics, which complements each other, promotes each other and develops in coordination, will realize another step leap of modern logistics industry. In order to prepare for the upcoming June 18, each big electronic retailing company gradually begins to show results of logistics such as sharing wisdom express box, unmanned vehicle and unmanned aerial vehicle. Automation, visualization, the wisdom of the controllable, intelligent and networked logistics seems to break out of it. But in shipping, the world's dominant mode of logistics, the pace of Intelligent Logistics has been relatively slow. According to the company's observation, Elane Inc., engaged in shipping information construction for many years, the intelligent logistics development from 0 to 1 mainly relies on technology, which stage is implemented. The Intelligence of the 1 to N logistics development depends on the enterprise interests, financial support, as well as the current investment return ratio. Intelligent port is not a simple technology, but rather through business model innovation and development of the concept of innovation, refactoring, systematic border port ecosystem,in order to realize the convenient and reliable customer experience, intelligent, reliable operation and high efficiency of organization and supply chain cooperation, open business innovation, promote efficiency of port logistics chain, reduce trade costs and enhance reliability. In recent years, in the face of sluggish global economic recovery, rising operating costs, and the trend of ship alliances and large-scale ships, the world's major ports have begun to explore the transition to the next generation of ports. Some advanced ports, such as Singapore, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Shanghai, have been actively explored and practiced, which generally represents the highest level of construction and development of intelligence ports at present.
出处 《中国远洋海运》 2018年第6期22-25,8-9,共4页 Maritime China
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