
面向动态外地代理的卫星网络移动性管理机制 被引量:2

Research on mobility management strategy based on the mobile foreign agent domainin satellite networks
摘要 针对低轨卫星网络的高动态特性,提出了一种面向动态外地代理的卫星网络移动性管理机制,把归属于同一位置区的低轨卫星所覆盖区域设置为一个移动代理域,支持域内卫星节点间的周期性信息交互.代理域内的用户以最长视距准则选定托管移动外地代理卫星,以最长滞留时间准则选定归属移动外地代理卫星,并且仅在其归属移动外地代理卫星变更的情况下才会触发用户到家乡代理的绑定更新.该机制可优化低轨卫星网络的移动性管理协议流程,显著降低移动性管理开销.在设定场景下,该机制的移动性管理开销仅为移动IPv6协议的80%,绑定更新次数能降低40%. Aiming at the highdynamic characteristics otheLow Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks, a miobility mianagcmicnt strategy based on the Mobile Foreign Agent Domiainin satellite networks is proposed.T'he covcragczoncs of the LEO satellites belonging tothe same location area form a Mobile Foreign Agent Domain, which supports periodic exchange of the intra-domiain informiation between the satellites. The uscrbclonging to one Mobile Foreign Agent Domain would selects Mobile Foreign Agentof Trusteeship (MFAT) according to the longest linc-of-sight criterion, and select its Mobile Forcign Agcnt of Attachment (MFAA) according tothc longest dwelling time criterion. Whcnthcuscr’s MFAA is changed, thcbinding update procedures would be triggered between the user and its corresponding Home Agent. With thisstrategy, the miobility mianagcmicnt protocol flow of the LEO satellite networks can be optimized, and themiobility mianagcmicnt overhead can be greatly reduced. In a set scenario, the miobility mianagcmicnt overhead is 80% of the miobile IPv6 protocol, and the binding update frequency is reduced by 40%.
作者 董彦磊 李东昂 刘勤 汪春霆 史可懿 DONG Yanlei;LI Dong'ang;LIU Qin;WANG Chunting;SHI Keyi(CE TCkcy Lab.of Aerospace Information Applications,Shijiazhuang 050081,China;State Key Lab.of Integrated Service Networks,Xidian Univ.,Xi5an 710071,China)
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期156-162,共7页 Journal of Xidian University
基金 中国电子科技集团公司航天信息应用技术重点实验室开放基金资助项目(EX156290049)
关键词 低轨卫星 移动外地代理 移动性管理 移动全互联网协议 lowcarth orbit-satcllitc-nctworks mobile foreign agent domain mobility management mobile internet protocol
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