

Design of Adjustable-order Fractional PID Controller for Fuzzy Interpolation
摘要 可变分数阶微积分环节直接影响分数阶PID控制器性能以及工程实践的可操作性,设计分数阶PID控制器需要根据被控对象传递函数凭经验调整微积分阶次。该文采用Carlson间接近似法数字实现分数阶微积分,再基于模糊插值由特定分数阶次近似得到任意阶次微积分环节,根据参数整定规则确立各环节系数,设计了一种可调分数阶次的PID控制器。仿真和实验结果表明,此方法得到的控制器与常规的分数阶PID控制器具有相似的控制效果,但适用性更广泛、算法设计复杂度较小、工程实践可操作性更强以及具有灵活的可调节性。 In this paper,considering the influence of variable-order fractional derivatives on fractional PID controller’s performance and engineering practice’s operability. A fuzzy interpolation based on Carlson approximation is proposed to implement an adjustable-order fractional PID controller with numerical tuning methods. The simulation results show this controller has similar control effect with conventional fractional PID controller,but the applicability is more extensive,the algorithm design complexity is smaller,the engineering practice is more operable and has the flexible and adjustable.
作者 邹俊超 丁跃浇 唐鉴 陈曦 ZOU Jun-chao;DING Yue-jiao;TANG Jian;CHEN Xi(School of Information and Communication Engineering,Hunan Institute of Science and Technology,Yueyang 414006, China;School of Mechanical Engineering,Hunan Institute of Science and Technology,Yueyang 414006,China)
出处 《自动化与仪表》 2018年第5期30-34,共5页 Automation & Instrumentation
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51706064) 湖南省自然科学基金项目(2017JJ3095)
关键词 分数阶PID 可变分数阶微分 分数阶微积分近似 模糊插值 fractional PID variable-order fractional derivatives approximation of fractional-order derivatives fuzzy interpolation
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