目的 :通过分析古代文献,探析针灸治疗乳痈的用穴规律,为临床治疗乳痈提供参考依据。方法 :通过计算机检索《中华医典》针灸文献,从经络、腧穴、刺灸方法等方面对针灸治疗乳痈的选穴规律和特点进行分析。结果 :检索到161条文献,涉及50个穴位、273穴次,其中提及刺灸方法的86条。161条文中,选用单穴的130条,选用多穴的31条。结果显示,古代针灸文献治疗乳痈主要以单穴为主,单穴处方占80.7%,多穴处方占19.3%。在50个穴位中,包括阿是穴、胸腹部穴位17个,占34%;四肢部穴位30个,占60%;腰背部穴位3个,占6%。提示乳痈取穴主要以四肢部及胸腹部为主,腰背部腧穴也有选取。经脉选择以胃经最为常用。结论:胃经是治疗乳痈最常选用的经脉;腧穴以少泽、乳根、下巨虚、足临泣、足三里、膺窗、膻中、肓门、梁丘、神封、肩井最为常用,腧穴的选取倾向于胸部和下肢穴位;刺灸方法以针刺为主,也可以使用灸法。
Objective:To analyze the principles for point selecting principles in treating acute mastitis through the ancient acupuncture and moxibustion literatures,to provide reference for clinical treatment of the disease. Methods:Searching through the literatures of acupuncture and moxibustion in the Chinese Medical Classics by computer,we analyzed the principles and characteristics for acupoint selections in treating acute mastitis from the aspects of meridians, acupoints,acupuncture and moxibustion. Results :Total 161 literatures were recorded,involving 50 acupoints and 273 times of acupoints. There were 86 methods mentioned in acupuncture and moxibustion. In 161 literatures,there were 130 single-point selections and 31 multiple-point selections,which show that the ancient literatures of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of acute mastitis were mainly based on the single point,single-point prescription accounted for 80.7%,multi-point pre- scription accounted for 19.3%. In 50 points,17 Ashi points and acupoints on the thorax and abdomen,ac- counted for 34%;30 limbs acupoints,accounted for 60% ;3 back and waist acupoints,accounted for 6% ,sug- gesting that point selections in treating acute mastitis were mainly based on the four limbs,chest and ab- domen,waist and back points were also selected. The most common choice was the stomach meridian. Con- clusions:The stomach meridian is the most commonly used meridian in the treatment of acute mastitis. Shaoze(SI1),Rugen(ST18),Xiajuxu (ST39),Zulinqi(ST41),Zusanli(ST36),Yingchuang(ST16),Danzhong(CV17), Huangmen (BL51 ), Liangqiu (ST34), Shenfeng (KI23), Jianjing (GB21 ) were the most frequently used acupoints, in which point selections tends to acupoints in the chest and lower extremities. Acupuncture were the main method,and moxibustion can also be used.
JIA Ruizhi(Pingdingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Pingdingshan 467000,Chin)
Journal of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
acute mastitis
acupuncture and moxibustion
ancient literature
point selecting principles