
双耳双模式人工耳蜗植入患者术后听觉能力评估 被引量:10

Evaluation of Hearing Ability after Binaural Double Mode Cochlear Implantation
摘要 目的比较双耳双模式(一侧耳佩戴助听器,另一侧耳植入人工耳蜗)的人工耳蜗植入患者与单侧人工耳蜗植入患者术后听力、声音理解能力、言语感知、空间听力、言语分辨率等方面的差异。方法选取2013年12月~2014年年12月在安徽医科大学第一附属医院行人工耳蜗植入的患者51例,根据术后非植入耳是否佩戴助听器,分为A组(单侧人工耳蜗植入28例)、B组(双耳双模式23例)。采用听觉行为分级-Ⅱ(categories of auditory performance-Ⅱ,CAP-Ⅱ)、有意义听觉整合量表(meaningful auditoryintegrationscale,MAIS)、言语空间特性量表父母版(speech,spatial and qualities of hearing scale-parents'version,SSQ-P)三个量表,通过问卷调查的方式,对患儿术前、术后听觉能力进行评估,比较两组的得分。结果两组术前CAP-Ⅱ、MAIS、SSQ-P得分差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后B组患者CAP分级(6.36±1.50级)和MAIS得分(25.96±3.77分)高于A组(分别为5.52±1.33级、23.36±4.86分),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后B组患者SSQ-P量表言语感知(8.17±0.59分)、空间听力(6.48±1.17分)、其他听力特性(6.93±0.96分)得分均高于A组患者(分别为7.48±0.72、3.89±0.78、5.56±0.84分),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论双耳双模式人工耳蜗植入患者较单侧人工耳蜗植入患者术后听觉能力更好。 Objective To study potential differences in the postoperative hearing,sound comprehensionn,spatial hearing and speech resolution of the children with binaural double mode cochlear implantation and the children with unilateral cochlear implantation.Methods We selected 51 CI cases from the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University during the period of 2013~2014.According to the non-implant ears whether to wear hearing aids after operation,those were divided into group A(unilateral cochlear implantation)and group B(binaural-bimodel).Through the questionnaire survey for evaluating the preoperative,postoperative hearing ability,we adopted the categories of auditory performance-Ⅱ(CAP-Ⅱ),meaningful auditory integration(MAIS),the speech,spatial and qualities of hearing scale-parents’ version(SSQ-P).The scores were compared between the two groups.Results The score for group B patients postoperative CAP(6.36+1.50)was higher than that of group A(5.52+1.33).The difference was statistically significant(P〈0.05).The score of group B patients postoperative MAIS(25.96±3.77)was higher than that of group A(23.36±4.86).The difference was statistically significant(P〈0.05).Group B patients postoperative speech perception(8.17±0.59),spatial hearing(6.48±1.17),hearing and other characteristics score(6.93±0.96)were all higher than those in group A in speech perception(7.48±0.72),spatial hearing(3.89±0.78),hearing and other characteristics scores(5.56±0.74),respectively.The differences were statistically significant(P〈0.05).Conclusion Compared to unilateral cochlear implantation,the children with the binaural double model have better hearing.
作者 钟梅 邱建新 Zhong Mei;Qiu Jianxin(Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Heifei,230001,China)
出处 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期312-315,共4页 Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology
关键词 人工耳蜗植入 助听器 双模式 Cochlear implantation Hearing-aid Binaural double mode
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