
德国法中的专利侵权损害赔偿计算——以德国《专利法》第139条与德国《民事诉讼法》第287条为中心 被引量:21

Determining Damages for Patent Infringement under German Law——Focus on Pat. art.139 and ZPO art.287
摘要 我国《专利法》第四次修改中,"举证难"被认为是专利保护亟待解决的问题。司法实践中,《专利法》第65条第1款所提供的三种计算方式(实际损失、侵权获利、合理许可费)的适用率远低于法定赔偿,直接原因即在于"举证难"。在德国,法官同样运用类似的三种方式来处理专利侵权案件中的损害赔偿额确定问题,但并未遭遇无法适用的困境。相反,这三种方式在德国相关实践中表现得既富弹性又不失逻辑性,主要得益于两种法技术的运用。一是广义的"法律推定"。逸失利益与侵权获利乃可推翻的法律推定,合理许可费乃不可推翻的法律推定。由此,损害事实的证明负担从专利权人转向侵权人,相当因果关系的证明得以简略。二是德国《民事诉讼法》第287条"赔偿额确定制度"。该制度旨在缓和第286条"自由心证"对损害范围所要求的证明高度。当事人对于损害范围的证明无须达到具体的程度,证明损害的发生以及大致范围即完成了证明责任,就损害范围事实形成内心确信,在此基础上法官得以行使自由裁量权确定具体的赔偿额。 In the process of the fourth amendment to the Patent Law of PRC, the "difficulty in proofing" is considered as a problem. In practice, the application of the triple methods (actual losses, infringer's profits, reasonable royalties) provided by the article 65 paragraph 1 of" the patent law is much lower than that of the statutory damages. The reason simply lies at the diifieulty in proofing. In Germany, the court also apply the triple damages to determine damages. The "difficulty of proofing" problem does not arise. Instead, the damages regime appears flexible and sensihle. It aseribes to two categories of legal technologies. One is "the legal presumption" in general sense. The lost profits and the infl'inger' s profits are seen as legal presumption that can be partly disproved, while the method of reasonable royahies is legal presumption that cannot be disproved. Accordingly, the burden of proof drives from the right holder to the infringer, and the process of proving the casual link gets simplified. Another is "the damages determining regime" stipulated in article 287 of the German Civil Procedure Law. It aims to easy the proofing standard set by the article 286 "free evaluation of evidence through inner conviction". Thus, it is not required to prove the accurate number of losses; the plaintiff lives up to his burdens of proof when he or she provide evidences supporting happening and the general range of patenteeg losses. Then the court at its diseretion may award an amount of damages based on the evidences.
作者 胡晶晶
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期190-200,共11页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
基金 国家社会科学基金重大课题(17ZDA138)"创新驱动发展战略下知识产权公共领域问题研究"
关键词 逸失利益 侵权获利 合理许可费 法律推定 赔偿额确定制度 lost profits infringer' s profits reasonable royalties legal presumption damages determining regime
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