
On the CR Poincaré–Lelong Equation, Yamabe Steady Solitons and Structures of Complete Noncompact Sasakian Manifolds

On the CR Poincaré–Lelong Equation, Yamabe Steady Solitons and Structures of Complete Noncompact Sasakian Manifolds
摘要 In this paper, we solve the so-called CR Poincare-Lelong equation by solving the CR Poisson equation on a complete noncompact CR (2n + 1)-manifold with nonegative pseudohermitian bisectional curvature tensors and vanishing torsion which is an odd dimensional counterpart of Kahler geometry. With applications of this solution plus the CR Liouvelle property, we study the structures of complete noncompact Sasakian manifolds and CR Yamabe steady solitons. In this paper, we solve the so-called CR Poincare-Lelong equation by solving the CR Poisson equation on a complete noncompact CR (2n + 1)-manifold with nonegative pseudohermitian bisectional curvature tensors and vanishing torsion which is an odd dimensional counterpart of Kahler geometry. With applications of this solution plus the CR Liouvelle property, we study the structures of complete noncompact Sasakian manifolds and CR Yamabe steady solitons.
出处 《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第8期1313-1344,共32页 数学学报(英文版)
基金 partially supported by an NSF(Grant No.DMS-1408839) a McDevitt Endowment Fund at Georgetown University partially supported in part by the MOST of Taiwan partially supported by an NSFC(Grant No.11201400) Nanhu Scholars Program for Young Scholars of Xinyang Normal University the Universities Young Teachers Program of Henan Province(Grant No.2016GGJS-096)
关键词 CR Poisson equation CR Poincare-Lelong equation CR Yamabe solitons CR Poisson equation CR Poincare-Lelong equation CR Yamabe solitons
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