
基于无人机遥感的台风对城市树木生态系统服务的损失评估 被引量:14

Assessing the damage caused by typhoon on urban green space ecosystem service based on UAV remote sensing
摘要 台风的频率和强度呈现逐年增加的趋势,已经并将持续对沿海城市绿地生态系统造成十分严重的影响。识别台风对沿海城市绿地系统的影响范围并定量评估其生态服务的价值损失,对城市绿地系统的灾后重建和适应能力提升具有重要意义。以厦门市集美街道为研究区,利用无人机航拍影像,基于Visual Studio 2010平台和AForge.NET开源框架构建了评估系统,对超强台风"莫兰蒂"造成的树木倒伏数量及其固碳释氧的生态服务价值损失开展了定量评估。结果表明,所构建的方法具备良好的适用性,共检测出倒伏树1 510棵,其生态服务价值损失约为1 890万元。其中行道树221棵,损失约199万元;学校树木760棵,损失约479万元;公园树木146棵,损失约135万元;居民小区树木383棵,损失约1 082万元。倒伏树主要集中于沿海区域,居民小区的数量较少,但其生态服务的价值损失最大,结果可为地方政府灾后恢复及城市规划提供决策支持。 The intensity and frequency of typhoon has showed an increasing trend in recent years,it has caused serious impact on urban green space ecosystem. Recognizing the influenced region in urban green space and quantifying the ecosystem service value loss is of great significance for the reconstruction of urban green space and improving the adaption capacity to typhoon disaster. This study constructs the evaluation system based on the high-resolution aerial image combining with Visual Studio 2010 platform and AForge. NET open source framework. To detect the downed trees and estimate the urban green space ecosystem value loss by super typhoon "Meranti",a casestudy in Jimei district of Xiamen was conducted by employing the method. The results show that the method has good applicability,1510 downed trees were detected and the total loss value of ecosystem of the downed trees were about 18. 9 million. Among these downed trees,221 of them were planted along the roads,and their loss value of ecosystem were about 1. 99 million; 760 of them were planted in campus,their loss value of ecosystem were about4. 79 million; 146 of them were planted in parks,their loss value of ecosystem were about 1. 35 million; 383 of them were planted in building area,their loss value of ecosystem were about 10. 82 million. The results showed that although the downed trees mainly centered in coastal area while little number in residential area,the ecosystem service value loss in residential area is the greatest. Meanwhile,the results can provide decision support for local government in disaster recoverying and urban planning.
作者 汤剑雄 徐礼来 李彦旻 何原荣 崔胜辉 TANG Jianxiong;XU Lilai;LI Yanmin;HE Yuanrong;CUI Shenghui(Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 36102, China;College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;Key Laboratory of Urban Metabolism, Xiarnen 361021, China;College of Computer and Information Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024,China)
出处 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期153-161,共9页 Journal of Natural Disasters
基金 国家重点研发计划资助(2017YFC0506603) 国家自然科学基金项目(41371205) 中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目(132C35KYSB20150005) 福建省测绘地理信息局科技专项(2018JX02)~~
关键词 AForge.NET 无人机遥感 台风 城市绿地 生态系统服务 AForge. NET UAV remote sensing typhoon urban green space ecosystem service
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