
苏南太湖流域污染企业集聚与水环境污染空间耦合关系 被引量:29

Coupling Relationship Between Polluting Industrial Agglomeration and Water Environment Pollution in Southern Jiangsu of Taihu Lake Basin
摘要 以苏南太湖流域为例,利用核密度分析法对分行业污染密集型制造业的空间集聚及与水环境污染之间的空间耦合关系进行研究,结果显示:(1)污染密集型企业主要集中在无锡市的惠山区、江阴市的东部、常州市与武进区相邻部分区域、昆山市等地区,常州市整体上污染密集型企业分布较少;(2)将制造业集聚与水环境污染空间耦合关系分为高集聚-高污染、低集聚-高污染、低集聚-低污染、高集聚-低污染4种类型,4种类型区面积分别为781.25、2 993.75、12 187.50、1 187.50 km2,分别占研究区总面积的4.56%,17.46%,71.06%,6.92%,两者间正向耦合效应明显,说明制造业在空间上的集聚是造成水环境污染的重要原因之一。 This article uses the Kernel Density Distribution method to analyze the industrial agglomeration of sub-industries, and evaluates the discharging intensity of industrial waste water, COD and NH3-N in each township taking the case study of Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou district. Based on this, the article chooses textile industry and manufactures of chemical materials and products whose contribution of output value and contaminants are relatively high to study the coupling relationship between industrial agglomeration and water environment pollution, and also analysis the coupling relationship of all enterprises. Results show that: 1) The pollution-intensive manufacturing industries centralized mainly in Huishan district of Wuxi City, the eastern part of Jiangyin city, adjacent parts of Changzhou and Wujin District, and Kunshan City, and generally there are less in Changzhou City. 2) The spatial distribution of discharging intensity of COD and NH3-N have some comparability, and the emission intensity decreased compared with the year of 2006, the emission intensity of industrial point sources in Changzhou City and the surrounding towns reduced significantly, and trend to transfer to surrounding suburbs. 3) Based on the special-correlation between industrial agglomeration and pollution distribution, the study area was divided into four categories: high-agglomeration and high-pollution area, low-agglomeration and high-pollution area, low-agglomeration and low-pollution area, high-agglomeration and low-pollution area. The acreage is 781.25 km2, 2 993.75 km2, 12 187.50 km2, 1 187.50 km2 and account for4.56%, 17.46%, 71.06%, 6.92% of the total area respectively, the coupling effect between industrial agglomeration and pollution distribution is obvious, and about 75%(high-agglomeration and high-pollution, low-agglomeration and low-pollution) of the area have positive spatial coupling effects. It illustrates that the agglomeration of manufacturing industry has important effects on water environment. The low-agglomeration and low-pollution and high-agglomeration and low-pollution area increased apparently compared with before. It demonstrates that industrial pollution construction has a remarkable effects, the water environment pollution tends to reduce. This article analysis the coupling relationship between industrial agglomeration and water environment pollution which provides scientific basis for rational distribution of industry.
作者 张姗姗 张磊 张落成 高爽 Zhang Shanshan;Zhang Lei;Zhang Luocheng;Gao Shuang(Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Sicence Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science, Nanjing 210036, Jiangsu, China;Key Ix~boratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu, China)
出处 《地理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期954-962,共9页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 中国科学院重点部署项目(KZZD-EW-10-04-2) 国家科技部重大专项(2018ZX07208007)资助~~
关键词 键词:制造业集聚 核密度 排污强度 空间耦合 industrial agglomeration Kernel Density discharging intensity coupling relationship
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