The paper is engaged in a quantitative risk assessment approach to the natural gas field gathering and transportation system with highly sulfur-content based on the multi-factor effects so as to ensure its transportation and storage safety. For the said purpose,it is necessary to examine and identify the operation steps,the sealing failure of the blind plate and the inappropriate valve operation that may lead to the commonly met leakage hazards. At the same time,it is also intended to set up a model for analyzing the leakage risk cause based on the multi-factor causeeffect correlations. Actually,the analysis method we would like to propose is to consist of an event sequence diagram and a fault tree model to simulate the evolutionary process of the two different types of the initial leaking events in the operation of receiving pig. Therefore,first of all,we have managed to identify the risk influential factors of the initial events,which may include the organizational factors,the administrative management factors,the personal operation responsibility involved,the technical control features,the duty-distribution problems,and so on. And,secondly,it is also to determine the weights of the risk influential factors in accordance with the relevant standards,the technical documentation status-in-situ and the expert assessment in the barrier and operational risks,so as to properly evaluate the actual background status of the risk-influential factors in correspondence with the specific needs of the pigging operation. And,thirdly,it is necessary to work out the failure probabilities of the basic events through the quantitative analysis in answering to the industrial generic probability,weights and degrees of its risk influential factors,so as to gain the probabilities of different types of leakage in an approach to a case study sample. Thus,the results of our above study show that the leakage probability should be modified well in accord with the influential factors of the organization,the management and the operators of the system via the given model.Actually,the causative factors that may lead to the seal failure are supposed to be much broader than the leakage likeliness caused merely by the valve operation error. Therefore,it is of the primary importance to make the dynamic gradation and periodical classification of the risk influential factors of pigging operation and the leakage probabilities,in addition to the trend of the different kinds of leakage. Thus,the results of this research can be expected to provide a valuable reference to the safety management of the pigging operation.
TAN Qing-lei;ZHANG Yong-liang;CHEN Guo-ming;WU Yan-zhe(Department of Safety Science and Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266520, Shandong, China;Centre for Offshore Engineering and Safety Technology, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, Shan- dang, China)
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
high-sulfur natural gas field
wet gas gathering and transportation
pigging operation
multi-factor effects
quantitative risk assessment