可见短波红外高光谱相机是"高分五号"卫星上的主载荷之一,由中国科学院上海技术物理研究所研制,以60km幅宽、30m的地面分辨率和5~10nm的光谱分辨率,同时获取地物在400~2 500nm范围内共330个连续谱段的空间信息和光谱信息。相机在可见近红外谱段(0.4~1.0μm)的光谱分辨率约为5nm,短波红外谱段(1.0~2.5μm)约为10nm。高光谱相机将能够解决遥感应用中的许多关键科学问题,诸如生态、环境监测、国土资源和地质矿产调查,以及灾害监测,农、林、牧业精细作业,城市规划等遥感应用。高光谱相机是中国首个采用凸面光栅分光的卫星载荷。与Hyperion上的仪器相比,高光谱相机信噪比更高(3~4倍),地面覆盖更宽(约8倍),谱段数更多(多100多个)。此外,高光谱相机的综合性能指标与未来5–10年国际上要发射的高光谱相机相当。
Visible-shortwave infrared advanced hyperspectral imager(AHSI) is the main payload of the GF-5 satellite, and is developed by Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. AHSI is designed to be capable of resolving 330 spectral bands from 0.4 to 2.5 μm with 30 m ground resolution and 60 km swath width. The spectral resolution is about 5 nm for VNIR(0.4~1.0 μm) and 10 nm for SWIR(1.0~2.5 μm). AHSI will be able to address many key science questions in remote sensing applications, such as ecological and environmental monitoring; investigation of geology and mineral resources, land resources; disaster monitoring; agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry fine work and city planning. AHSI is China's first spaceborne hyperspectral imager with a convex grating spectrum. Compared to the instruments on board Hyperion, AHSI has a much higher signal-to-noise ratio(about 3–4 times), a much wider swath width(about 8 times), and much more spectral bands(more than 100 increased). Moreover, the comprehensive performance of AHSI is comparable to that of the hyperspectral imagers to be launched in the next 5-10 years.
LIU Yinnian(Key Laboratory of Infrared System Detection and Imaging Technologies, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083, Chin)
Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing