
临床护士的正念潜在类别及其在情绪状态、心理弹性上的差异 被引量:11

Latent classes of mindfulness and its difference in emotional states and resilience in clinical nurses
摘要 目的:了解临床护士正念特征类型及其在情绪状态及心理弹性上的差异。方法:选取山东省某三级甲等医院在岗护士292名,平均年龄(29±6)岁,运用五因素正念量表(FFMQ)、正负性情绪量表(PANAS)以及心理弹性量表简化版(CD-RISC-10)施测,对护士正念特征进行潜在剖面分析,比较不同正念类型护士在情绪和心理弹性指标上得分的差异。结果:护士正念类型可分为低正念(n=115)、不判断地觉知(n=106)、有判断地观察(n=18)、高正念(n=53)4类。不同类型护士在FFMQ总分及正性情绪、负性情绪、CD-RISC-10得分上差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.001),与其他3组相比,低正念组的正性情绪和CD-RISC-10得分均较低,负性情绪得分偏高;不判断地觉知组正性情绪和CD-RISC-10得分低于高正念组,而有判断地观察组负性情绪得分高于不判断地觉知组和高正念组;高正念组FFMQ总分高于其他3组。结论:临床护士正念特征存在4种潜在类别,且低正念和有判断地观察类型护士心理适应状况相对较差。 Objective: To distinguish subgroups of nurses based on five facets of mindfulness and compare the scores of emotional states and psychological resilience among different subgroup of nurses. Methods: A total of 292 clinical nurses aged(29 ± 6) years in a Grade-A hospital in Shandong Province were recruited and assessed with the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire(FFMQ),Positive and Negative Affect Scale(PANAS) and 10-item Connor-Davidson resilience scale(CD-RISC-10). The latent profile analysis was used to identify potential classes of mindfulness trait among nurses,and the scores of positive affect,negative affect and resilience were compared between groups. Results: The analysis showed that 4 latent classes emerged,namely,low mindfulness group(n = 115),non-judgmentally aware group( n = 106),judgmentally observing group( n = 18),and high mindfulness group(n = 53). Different types of nurses had significant differences in FFMQ,positive and negative emotions and CD-RISC-10 scores(P〈0. 001). Compared with the other 3 groups,the scores of positive emotions and CD-RISC-10 in the low mindfulness group were comparatively lower,and the negative emotions scores were higher. The scores of positive emotions and CD-RISC-10 were lower in non-judgmentally aware group than in the high mindfulness group. And the scores of negative emotion of nurses were higher in the judgmentally observing group than in the non-judgmentally aware group and high mindfulness group. The scores of FFMQ was significantly higher in the high mindfulness group than in the other 3 groups. Conclusion: This study demonstrates 4 latent profiles of mindfulness among clinical nurses,and nurses in low mindfulness and judgmentally observing groups are characterized by maladaptive psychological states,which deserve more attention.
作者 方跃艳 康晓菲 冯秀娟 赵迪 厉萍 FANG Yueyan;KANG Xiaofei;FENG Xiujuan;ZHAO Di;LI Ping(School of Nursing, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250012, China)
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期601-606,共6页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
基金 山东大学人文社科青年团队项目(IFYT15010)
关键词 护士 正念 情绪状态 心理弹性 潜在剖面分析 nurse mindfulness emotion resilience latent profile analysis
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