Single particles moving in a reflection-asymmetric potential are investigated by solving the Schr6dinger equation of the reflectionasymmetric Nilsson Hamiltonian with the imaginary time method in 3D lattice space and the harmonic oscillator basis expansion method. In the 3D lattice calculation, the l2 divergence problem is avoided by introducing a damping function, and the(l2)N term in the non-spherical case is calculated by introducing an equivalent N-independent operator. The efficiency of these numerical techniques is demonstrated by solving the spherical Nilsson Hamiltonian in 3D lattice space. The evolution of the single-particle levels in a reflection-asvmmetric ootential is obtained and discussed bv the above two numerical methods, and their consistencv is shown in the obtained single-particle energies with the differences smaller than 10-4[hω0]
Single particles moving in a reflection-asymmetric potential are investigated by solving the Schr ¨odinger equation of the reflectionasymmetric Nilsson Hamiltonian with the imaginary time method in 3 D lattice space and the harmonic oscillator basis expansion method. In the 3 D lattice calculation, the l2 divergence problem is avoided by introducing a damping function, and the(l^2) Nterm in the non-spherical case is calculated by introducing an equivalent N-independent operator. The efficiency of these numerical techniques is demonstrated by solving the spherical Nilsson Hamiltonian in 3 D lattice space. The evolution of the single-particle levels in a reflection-asymmetric potential is obtained and discussed by the above two numerical methods, and their consistency is shown in the obtained single-particle energies with the differences smaller than 10^(-4)[hω_0].
supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB834400)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 11335002, 11375015, 11461141002, and 11621131001)