目的探究甲磺酸-α-二氧麦角隐亭片联合中医人工周期疗法对高催乳素血症(HPRL)不孕患者的临床治疗效果。方法选择2013年3月至2016年3月在西宁市第一人民医院接受诊治的HPRL不孕患者96例。根据随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组48例。对照组给予口服甲磺酸-α-二氧麦角隐亭片治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上给予中医人工周期疗法治疗,2组均连续服用4个月。比较2组治疗后月经恢复情况、溢乳改善情况、排卵情况及以及治疗前后血清催乳素、卵泡刺激素(FSH)、雌二醇、黄体生成素(LH)水平变化情况。随访1年比较妊娠率。结果治疗60、90、120 d后观察组患者月经恢复、溢乳消失、排卵比例高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。治疗60、90、120 d后观察组催乳素水平低于对照组[(50±9)μg/L比(64±10)μg/L、(28±5)μg/L比(39±7)μg/L、(23±4)μg/L比(27±4)μg/L],差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。治疗120 d后,2组FSH、雌二醇和LH水平均高于治疗前,且观察组高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。随访1年观察组妊娠率高于对照组[70.8%(34/48)比43.8%(21/48)],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论采用甲磺酸-α-二氧麦角隐亭片联合中医人工周期疗法治疗HPRL不孕患者,可以明显降低血清催乳素表达水平和促进血清激素水平改善,对泌乳、月经稀发等症状治疗效果较好,可明显提高妊娠率。
Objective To explore the effect of dihydro-α-ergocryptine mesylate combined with Traditional Chinese periodic therapy on hyperprolactinemia and infertility. Methods Ninety-six infertile patients with hyperprolactinemia admitted in the First People′s Hospital of Xining from March 2013 to March 2016 were randomly divided into control group and observation group, with 48 cases in each group. The control group took dihydro-α-ergocryptine mesylate tablets; the observation group was treated with dihydro-α-ergocryptine mesylate plus traditional Chinese periodic therapy; both groups were treated for 4 months. Menstruation recovery, nipple discharge and ovulation were observed after treatment. Levels of serum prolactin, follicular stimulating hormone(FSH), estradiol and luteinizing hormone(LH) were tested before and after treatment. The 1-year pregnancy rate was analyzed. Results After 60, 90, 120 d of treatment, menstrual recovery rate, nipple discharge disappearance rate and ovulation rate in observation group were significantly higher than those in control group(P〈0.05); level of prolactin in observation group was significantly lower than that in control group[(50±9)μg/L vs (64±10)μg/L, (28±5)μg/L vs (39±7)μg/L, (23±4)μg/L vs (27±4)μg/L](P〈0.05). After 120 d of treatment, levels of FSH, estradiol and LH were significantly higher than those before treatment in both groups; levels of FSH, estradiol and LH in observation group were significantly higher than those in control group(P〈0.05). The 1-year pregnancy rate in observation group was significantly higher than that in control group[70.8%(34/48) vs 43.8%(21/48)](P〈0.05). Conclusion Dihydro-α-ergocryptine mesylate combined with traditional Chinese periodic therapy is effective in treatment of hyperprolactinemia and infertility; it can reduce serum prolactin, regulate hormone, alleviate symptoms of galactorrhea and oligomenorrhea and increase the pregnancy rate.
Kang Yanshou(Department of Gynecology,the First People's Hospital of Xining,Xining 810000,China)
China Medicine