Tilia软件一直是微体古生物学特别是孢粉学科使用最为普遍的一款专业计算机程序。该软件主要将样品数据经统计计算分析,将每个样品化石科属类型含量以图谱的形式依据地层深度或时间顺序排列显示,使化石数据转换为地层图式。基于各科属特别是优势或建群类型含量上下层位变化特点和规律,划分生物组合带,以图的形式直观解读生物群落的地史演替和环境变化等科学问题。由于此软件一直在英文语境下运行,功能多样,操作较为复杂,往往令国内初学者难以入手和深入。本文将以新版Tilia 2.0.45软件为对象,基于先期积累的使用经验,结合我国学者的思维方式,通过简单的孢粉数据实例,图解步骤和过程,力求通俗易懂。为此,推出"基础版"和"高阶版"两种使用说明以满足不同层次的人员需求,前者针对初学者旨在短时间内快速入门掌握孢粉百分比图谱制作的基本技巧,后者面向有一定操作经验学者力求在浓度图谱、通量图谱及"深度-年代"模型和Neotoma全球生态数据库等方面拓展提高。
The Tilia software has been the most common professional computer programs used in the micropaleontology studies, particularly in the palynological field. This software primarily functions to make statistic analyses of counted microfossil data and then to create a stratigraphic diagram showing quantities of fossil taxa in each sample, that is, graphing fossil data. Tilia facilitates the zonation of fossil assemblages determined by the variation of taxa especially the dominant or constructive taxa in stratigraphic order to vividly show the evolution history of ecological communities in response to environmental changes. However, it is usually not easy for Chinese new users to learn and master it due to the facts that this software is performed in an English context with diverse and complex functions. Based on our experiences of Tilia performance, this paper aims at producing a Chinese manual for the latest Tilia 2.0.45 version to illustrate each step in detail with a simple example trying to make it easier to be understood in a Chinese context. Therefore,two versions are generated, i.e. "basic-level" and " advanced-level". The former is made for beginners to practice Tilia basic skills to construct a percentage pollen diagram easily, while the latter is for skilled users to broaden its span especially in building a pollen concentration diagram, a pollen influx diagram, depth-chronology models, and exploring the Neotoma database.
Eric Grimm
SHU Jun-wu;HUANG Xiao-zhong;XU De-ke;CHEN Wei;SONG Bing;CUI An-ning;and Eric Grimm(Key Laboratory of Economic Stratigraphic and Palaeogeograph y ,Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;Center for Excellence in Life and Pa leoenvironment , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanj ing 210008,China;State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing 210008, China;MOE Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;Institutions of Earth Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 34132, Korea;University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455, USA)
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica