1.引言 随着科学技术的快速发展.互联网覆盖着全球各地并为人们提供各种便捷高效的服务。其中。网络购物成为当今社会主要的消费形式之一,截止到2017年底,我国网络购物用户高达5.33亿。随着线上消费人数的不断增加,物联网与互联网之间的关系也更加紧密,物流运输在整个网络购物中起着重要的作用。
Based on the exploration of the development of UAV logistics and its transportable packaging design in the future, combining the present status of UAV logistics and the relevant theory of transportable packaging design and related information at home and abroad, this paper studies the bearing relationship between UAV and transportation package, the way of package delivery and the improved testing design of packaging.
Package & Design