

Contesting Remedies: The Debate on STD Treatment Therapies in the early PRC
摘要 新中国成立之初,一度通过关闭妓院,建立专业队伍和发动群众等手段基本消灭了性病,取得了举世瞩目的成绩。在消灭性病运动过程中一度出现了青霉素疗法、苏联的砷铋混合疗法与中医药疗法3种疗法共存的局面。疗法之争背后的依据,除了疗效,还有政治正确。国家权力对医学实践的深入影响,医生的自主性和能动性受到了限制,医学知识与医生在强大的社会改造运动中成为政治任务的工具和执行者。 During the early years of the People' s Republic of China, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) were almost eliminated nationwide for a period. In the STDs eradication campaign, "political correctness" became a ruling policy. During the prevention and treatment of the STDs, the choice of therapy depended on the "political correctness" policy rather than medical effectiveness. With this political back- ground, three competing treatments of STDs emerged ( especially for syphilis) : penicillin treatment, arsenic and bismuth mixed and intermittent treatment, and traditional Chinese medicine treatments. The argument between treatments was a vivid microcosm of the love - hate political relationship between China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The traditional Chinese medicine treatments for syphilis were used as a tool by the authorities to prevent the national medical system becoming more and more western- ized. The penicillin treatment, the winner of this battle, won because it catered to the political themes of the time, the "Great Leap Forward". Overwhelming state power had a strong influence and control over the medical system and medical practice, with the initiative and independence of doctors being limited in an unprecedented fashion.
作者 杜鹃 魏怡真 胡馨 DU Juan;WEI Yizhen;HU Xin(Beijing Administration Institute, Beijing, 100044;Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, 100730;Beijing Hospital of TCM, TCM Cardiovascular Center, Beijing, 100010, China)
出处 《中华医史杂志》 CAS 2018年第2期104-110,共7页 Chinese Journal of Medical History
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“20世纪中国性病控制的社会史研究”(13CZS049)
关键词 性病 青霉素 砷铋混合间歇疗法 sexually transmitted diseases (STD) penicillin arsenic and bismuth mixed and intermittent treatment
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