

Inhibitory Kinetic Fluorimetric Determination of Bisphenol A Based on Oxidation of Carbon Quantum Dots with Hydrogen Peroxide
摘要 以柠檬皮为原料,采用水热法制备碳量子点,基于类Fenton试剂(Fe^(3+)+H_2O_2)能氧化碳量子点使其荧光猝灭而双酚A对此反应有明显抑制效果的实验现象,发展了一种抑制动力学荧光法用以测定双酚A,并探讨了反应机理.实验结果表明,在选定的实验条件下,当双酚A质量浓度在4.0~60.0mg/L范围内时,荧光强度差与质量浓度呈良好的线性关系,方法的检出限(3σ/k)为2.04mg/L;采用此方法对超市购物小票浸取液及自来水等实际样品中BPA的含量进行测定,加标回收率在93%~108%范围内. Carbon quantum dots(CQDs)were prepared by hydrothermal treatment with Lemon peel as raw material.Peroxyl radical produced by Fenton-like reagent(Fe3++H2O2)oxidizes CQDs and produces the quenching of its fluorescence.It is found that bisphenol A(BPA)has an inhibitory effect on the redox reaction.Based on this observation,an inhibitory kinetic fluorimetric method is reported for the determination of BPA.Under the optimum experimental conditions,the linear range of the determination is 4.0-60.0 mg/L,and the detection limit(3σ/k)for BPA is 2.04 mg/L.The proposed method has been used for the determination of BPA in the shopping receipt and tap waters samples with recoveries of 93%~108%.
作者 韦娜 唐姣荣 余姝轶 邱子情 黄晓霞 王益林 WEI Na;TANG Jiaorong;YU Shuyi;QIU Ziqing;HUANG Xiaoxia;WANG Yilin(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,Chin;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Biorefinery,Nanning 530004,China;Nanning Monitoring Station of the National Urban Water Quality Monitoring Network,Nanning530031,China)
出处 《吉首大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2018年第4期69-73,共5页 Journal of Jishou University(Natural Sciences Edition)
基金 广西自然科学基金资助项目(2014GXNSFAA118328) 广西生物炼制重点实验室开放基金资助项目(GXKLB-2)
关键词 碳量子点 抑制动力学 荧光 测定 双酚A carbon quantum dots inhibitory kinetic fluorescence determination bisphenol A
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