
自由的三个阶段——对马克思必然王国和自由王国的解读 被引量:3

Three Stages of Freedom: Interpretation of Marx's Realm of Necessity and Freedom
摘要 依据人类物质生产时的自由情况,马克思把人类的发展区分成必然王国和自由王国两个阶段。在必然王国中,马克思又把必然分为历史必然性和自然必然性,历史必然性是暂时的,自然必然性是永恒的。这样人类的发展就存在三个自由阶段。第一是"自然和历史必然性"下的自由,这阶段中,人类既受到"自然必然性"又受到"历史必然性"的束迫,由于受到双重束迫,人类自由程度不高;第二是"自然必然性"下的自由,这阶段人类不再受"历史必然性"压制,因而比第一阶段自由程度高,但由于仍受"自然必然性"束迫,自由程度要比第三阶段低;第三是自由王国中的自由,这阶段虽然"自然必然性"仍然存在,但人类可以超越"自然必然性"而使之不再成为束迫,因而自由程度最高。 According to the freedom of human material production, Marx divided the human development into two stages: the realm ofnecessity and the realm of freedom. Marx divided the former into historical necessity which is temporary and natural necessity which iseternal. Thus there are three stages in human development. The first is the freedom stage under the historical and natural necessity inwhich the human is restrained by both natural necessity and historical necessity. Due to the double restraints, the freedom degree is nothigh. The second is the freedom stage under the natural necessity. In this stage human will no longer be repressed by the historical necessity. The degree of freedom in this stage is higher than that in the first stage because of no repression by the historical necessity, butas human will be still restrained by the natural necessity, the degree of freedom will be lower than that of the third stage. The third isthe freedom stage in the realm of freedom. Although in this stage the natural necessity will still exist, human can go beyond it. Thusthe restraint from the natural necessity will exist no longer and the degree of freedom is the highest.
作者 朱长兵 ZHU Changbing(School of Marxism Studies,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou,Gansu 730050,Chin)
出处 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第4期78-83,共6页 Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Social Sciences)
基金 甘肃省社会科学项目(YB060) 甘肃省高校科研项目(2017A-014)
关键词 自由王国 必然王国 历史必然性 自然必然性 自由 realm of freedom realm of necessity historical necessity natural necessity freedom
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