
我国特色小镇运营商盈利模式研究——基于杭州市特色小镇的分析 被引量:2

A Study on the Profit Model of China's Featured Towns' Operators——Based on the Analysis of Featured Towns in Hangzhou
摘要 随着特色小镇的迅速发展,特色小镇运营商盈利模式正受到越来越多的关注。杭州目前在我国特色小镇建设方面处于领先地位,但通过对杭州特色小镇的运营商盈利模式及影响因素进行分析研究后发现,在特色小镇的发展过程中也存在着一些普遍性问题,特色产业投资比重偏低,短期内盈利水平较低,投入产出不成比例,社会资本重视短期盈利,忽视长期盈利。针对上述问题,为促进特色小镇的持续健康发展,政府部门应结合特色小镇特色,大力发展特色产业,加大政策支持与保障力度,保障运营商合理的盈利空间,同时要对参与特色小镇建设的社会资本进行必要引导,建立特色小镇个性化评价体系。 With the rapid development of featured towns, the profit model of featured towns’ operators has received more and more attention. Hangzhou takes the leading position in the development of featured towns. The study on the Hangzhou featured towns ’ operators found some oommon problems : distinotive industrial investment is limited; in the short term, the profit is minimal, and the investment exoeeds the rewards; private oapital pays more attention to short term benefits than long term benefits. To solve these problems and faoilitate a sustainable healthy development of featured towns, the government is advised to develop the distinotive industries referring to the features of the towns, to strengthen polioy support and guarantee to ensure reasonable profit margins for operators, to give neoessary guidanoe for sooial oapital partioipating in the oonstruotion of featured towns and to set up personalized evaluation systems for the featured towns.
作者 孙文军 SUN Wenjun(Pan-China Certified Publio Aooountants LLP,Hangzhou 310020,China)
出处 《福建商学院学报》 2018年第3期27-34,共8页 Journal of Fujian Business University
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学重点研究课题"浙江省特色小镇发展综合评价及推进路径研究"(17NDJC001Z)阶段性研究成果
关键词 特色小镇运营商 盈利模式 梦想小镇 featured towns ’ operators profit model Dream Town
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