
长江经济带绿色创新效率的时空分异及影响因素研究 被引量:65

A Study on Spatial-temporal Differentiation and the Influencing Factors of Green Innovation Efficiency in Yangtze River Economic Belt
摘要 在绿色生态理念下,如何有效提高长江经济带绿色创新效率,发挥其绿色经济支撑带作用,对推动中国经济提效增速具有重要意义。基于绿色创新视角,选用长江经济带11个省市2005—2014年的面板数据,运用含非期望产出的SBM模型和探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)方法,评价长江经济带的绿色创新效率及其空间分异特征,并采用面板Tobit模型对长江经济带绿色创新效率的驱动机制进行回归分析。结果表明:长江经济带绿色创新效率总体上不断提高,但还存在较大的改善空间;空间自相关分析显示长江经济带绿色创新效率自2009年开始存在显著且不断加强的集聚趋势,局部空间集聚不断趋向高高集聚,且高高集聚主要集中于上、下游流域;从影响长江经济带绿色创新效率的因素来看,企业污染成本、技术市场成熟度与市场开放程度对绿色创新效率具有显著的正向影响,有利于绿色创新效率的提高,环境规制强度与绿色创新效率呈倒U型,具有明显的拐点效应,产业结构对绿色创新效率的影响不显著。据此,从加强流域绿色创新合作、改善技术市场环境、提高环境规制效率等方面提出提升长江经济带绿色创新效率的政策建议。 Under the concept of green ecology, how to effectively improve the efficiency of green innovation in the Yangtze River economic belt and give play to its role as a supportive belt of green economy is of great significance to promoting eco- nomic growth in China. Based on the green innova- tion perspective, the panel data of 11 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River economic belt from 2005 to 2014 are selected. The SBM model with non - expected output and the ESDA method are used to evaluate the efficiency of green innovation in the Yangtze River economic belt. The spatial heteroge- neity of the Yangtze River economic belt, and the panel Tobit model to regress and analyze the driv- ing mechanism of green innovation efficiency in the Yangtze River economic belt. The results show that the efficiency of green innovation in the Yangtze River economic belt is generally improving, but there is still much space for improvement. The spatial autocorrelation analysis shows that the efficiency of green innovation in the Yangtze River economic belt has been significantly and continuously increasing since 2009, and the spatial agglomeration the trend of high- high concentration is mainly concentrated in the upper and lower reaches of the basin. From the factors that affect the efficiency of green innova- tion in the Yangtze River economic belt, the enter- prise pollution costs, the maturity of the technology market and the degree of market opening have a significant impact on the efficiency of green innova- tion positive effect is conducive to improving the efficiency of green innovation, environmental regu- lation intensity and green innovation efficiency is inverted U- shaped, with a significant inflection point effect, the impact of industrial structure on the efficiency of green innovation is not significant. Accordingly, policy suggestions on enhancing the efficiency of green innovation in the Yangtze River economic belt are put forward from the aspects of strengthening green innovation cooperation in the river basin, improving the technology market envi- ronment and improving the efficiency of environ- mental regulation.
出处 《宏观经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期107-117,132,共12页 Macroeconomics
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“长江经济带制造业绿色创新效率评价及提升路径研究”(编号:2017089036) 湖北省技术创新专项软科学研究类项目“湖北建设国家科技创新中心的实现路径和政策支撑体系研究”(编号:2018ADC146) 湖北省区域创新能力监测与分析软科学研究基地2017年开放基金项目“不同类型环境规制对湖北省绿色发展水平的影响研究”(编号:HBQY2017z06)的资助
关键词 绿色创新效率 非期望SBM 探索性空间数据分析 Green innovation efficiency Non- expected SBM Exploratory spatial data analysis
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