
汉语哲学:方法论的意义 被引量:15

Philosophy Based upon Chinese Language:Methodological Meanings
摘要 汉语哲学自兴起以来的几年中已经形成了大致的领域和方向。在汉语哲学的多重意义中,方法论乃是一个核心。作为方法论的汉语哲学揭示了许多先前未被发现和认识的视野和问题。汉语哲学通过分析和比较语言与哲学问题的演化,说明“Being”问题仅是由特定语言形态带出的问题而不具普遍性。通过对人类语言总体趋势和乔姆斯基生成理论的反思,汉语哲学从人类语言共同的分析化趋势和普遍语法,揭示人类共同的心智结构与可传达性的关系。汉语哲学从语言际的理想意义的设想切入语言哲学,分析不同语言在表达世界和事物秩序时的差异,以揭示出人类共同心智结构与认知差异的关系这个未明的哲学问题,亦分析和阐明了与语言秩序对应的三种世界和事物的秩序及其语言际的可传达性的程度。汉语哲学的方法论视角令人认识到:汉语哲学主要关涉形而上学、认识论、语言哲学和逻辑等理论哲学的问题以及语言科学与脑科学等问题,而与实践哲学领域无多大干系。同样,汉语哲学与教汉语说哲学或民族性等问题,也没有关系。汉语哲学是一种理论的因而普遍性的哲学研究。 As a methodology, the philosophy based upon Chinese language reveals perspectives and questions that have not been discovered or recognized before. It is illustrated by the philosophy based upon Chinese language, through the analysis and comparison of the evolution of linguistic and philosophical questions, that the question of Being is only a question generated from certain linguistic forms, thus one without universality. Reflecting on the general tendency of human languages along with Chomsky's generative grammar, the philosophy based upon Chinese language reveals the structure of mind common to human beings as well as its relation to communicability, on the basis of the common analytical tendency and universal grammar of human languages. The philosophy based upon Chinese language approaches the philosophy of language by conceiving an ideal interlingual meaning. It analyzes the differences between the manners in which different languages express the order of the world and of things, in order to reveal the unknown philosophical question: how human beings' common structure of mind relates to their cognitive differences; it also elaborates the three orders of the world and of things corresponding to linguistic orders, as well as the degree of their interlingual communicability. The methodological perspective of philosophy based upon Chinese language enables us to understand that this is a philosophy mainly concerned with questions of speculative philosophy, such as those of metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language and logic, as well as questions of linguistic and brain science; it is relatively unrelated to the sphere of practical philosophy. Similarly, it is unrelated to questions about the expression of philosophy in Chinese or about nationality. The philosophy based upon Chinese language is a speculative philosophical study, and therefore a universal one.
作者 韩水法 HAN Shuifa
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期5-24,31,共21页 Academic Monthly
基金 2017年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“汉语哲学”(17JJD720001)的中期成果
关键词 汉语哲学 方法论 可传达性 心智结构 语言秩序 世界和事物秩序 the philosophy based upon Chinese language methodology communicability structure of mind linguistic order order of the world and of things
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