Based on the comparison of the two basic dimensions of delayed retirement research, we review the international comparison and case study literature on delayed retirement, and find that the existing research and post industrial society are seriously fractured. Based on the basic characteristics of the industrial society after the analysis on the construction of the delay retirement, social security and work ability of triangular analytical framework, summed up the new requirements of the post industrial society on the work ability of the system to delay retirement to find expected to play a role; the birth and evolution of combing the social security, the mission and function, found that the construction of the social security system of industrial logic try diversification forward the industrial sector and the industrial sector based on the social security system as a key industrial society and post industrial society transition is the interstitial social production and reproduction function of security and reveal the red line, but to between the institutional social reality of irreconcilable conflict. On this basis, it is concluded that the development of post industrial society poses a serious challenge to social production and reproduction, and may lead to a general crisis. The demand of the delayed retirement system in the post industrial society can not continue the social security system, nor can it solve the crisis of social production and reproduction. The social security system is difficult to sustain itself in the post industrial society, and it can not solve the crisis of social production and reproduction. The former industrial industrial industrial sector - directed flow rate control is beneficial to delay the overall social crisis, but the harvest discount of the post industrial society and the development of logical arrival to the individual after the system is to accelerate the crisis from two aspects which are macro and micro environment choice.
LUO Zhe;ZHANG Junfeng
Academic Monthly
post industrial society
delayed retirement
work ability
social security
overall crisis