根据试验数据管理系统的需求,在分析传统C/S模式数据管理系统不足的基础上,基于B/S架构,以Spring MVC为框架,设计实现了通用数据管理系统平台。详细介绍了系统架构、系统数据库和各组成模块的设计思想,介绍了各个部分采用的技术工具和方法,研究了数据解析入库、大数据量数据库管理、数据备份和恢复等关键技术的实现。通过工程应用对系统平台进行数据装载与检索测试,数据管理效率较传统方式有较大提升,满足大数据量数据管理要求。
Based on the requirement of test data management system and the analysis of the C/S architecture,general data management system platform is designed by the B/S architecture and Spring MVC.The system architecture,system database and the design of each module are introduced in detail.The technical tools and methods used in each part are introduced.The key technologies such as data analysis and storage,database management,data backup and recovery are studied.The data loading test of the system platform is carried out and searched through the engineering application,and the data management efficiency is better than the traditional way and meets the requirement of large data quantity management.
Fan Dandan;Yu Huiyong;Liu Chen(System Assessment Center of the 27th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Zhengzhou 450047,China;Platform Defense Department of the 27th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Zhengzhou 450047,China)
Electronic Measurement Technology