In modern medicine, double heart disease is cardiovascular disease with mental illness. The heart in TCM dominates not only the blood vessel, but also the spirit. Therefore, double heart disease still belongs to the lesions of heart in TCM. The liver and spleen are closely related to the generating and running of the Qi( 气) and blood of the heart, while the unpleasant emotion is easy to hurt the liver and spleen, and the products, such as fire, phlegm or blood stasis are generated to affect the function of heart. Therefore, Professor Han advocates the treatment of double heart disease from the theory of liver and spleen, through the ways of soothing the liver and clearing the heat, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the blood, dispelling phlegm and activating blood, so as to reinforce deficiency and reduce the excess and to treat both symptoms and root cause, so that the heart's blood vessels are unobstructed and spirit is peaceful.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
Double heart disease
The theory of liver and spleen
Spirit and emotion
Han Lihua