

Treating prospermia with sildenafil plus clomipramine
摘要 目的:观察西地那非与氯丙咪嗪合用治疗早泄的临床效果及安全性。方法:将120例早泄患者随机均分为三组,即A组:单纯口服西地那非组,B组:单纯口服氯丙咪嗪组,C组:西地那非与氯丙咪嗪联合使用组。2个月为一个疗程。结果:A、B、C三组总有效率分别为55.00%、72.50%、92.50%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后A、B、C三组阴道内射精潜伏期分别为(3.75±0.63)min,(4.32±0.55)min,(7.6±0.77)min,P<0.05;且三组患者的中国早泄患者性功能评价表-5评分比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),没有发现明显的毒副反应。结论:西地那非与氯丙咪嗪合用治疗早泄能够显著延长射精潜伏期,毒副反应少,安全性较高。 Objective: To observe safety and efficacy of sildenafil plus clomipramine on prospermia. Methods: 120 patients were divided into three groups. Group A was given sildenafil simply; group B was given clomipramine simply; and group C was given sildenafil plus clomipramine. 2 months as a course. Results: The total efficiency in the group A, B and C was 55.00%, 72.50% and 92.50% respectively, P〈0.05. After treatment, intravaginal ejaculation latency in the group A, B and C was(3.75±0.63) min,(4.32±0.55) min and(7.6±0.77) min respectively, P〈0.05. And there is no obvious adverse reaction. Conclusion: Sildenafil plus clomipramine on prospermia shows a good effect, with less adverse reaction.
机构地区 睢县中医院
出处 《中医临床研究》 2018年第13期105-107,共3页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
关键词 西地那非 氯丙咪嗪 早泄 Sildenafl Clomipramine Prospermia
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