
威海市褚岛北部海域CDOM和COD分布特征遥感分析 被引量:6

Remote Sensing Analysis of the Distribution Characteristics of CDOM and COD in Northern Chu Island Waters off Weihai, Shandong Province
摘要 根据2017年7月和9月在山东威海褚岛北部海域现场测量的COD_(Mn)(Chemical oxygen demand)值和水体表观光学量,结合COMS(Communication,Ocean&Meteorological Satellite)上搭载的传感器GOCI(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager)所提供的有色可溶性有机物(Chromophoric dissolved organic matter,CDOM)产品,利用星地同步观测数据对现有的基于遥感反射比反演CDOM的模式进行验证,确定适合该海域的CDOM浓度遥感反演模式;通过对测试海域化学需氧量与遥感反演的水体CDOM浓度相关性分析,建立利用CDOM反演COD_(Mn)的遥感模式,并将该模式应用于测试海域LANDSAT 8/OLI(Operational Land Imager)遥感图像上,获取该海域COD_(Mn)浓度专题图,基于这些专题图分析了测试海域COD_(Mn)时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)基于GOCI产品的CDOM浓度值随时间和站点动态变化大,离岸越近数值越高,同一地点水体前后相差近1 h的数值变化也较大;(2)基于LANDSAT 8/OLI遥感数据反演的COD_(Mn)浓度时间动态变化大,总体来看褚岛附近水体的COD_(Mn)含量相对较低,褚岛以北海域水体COD_(Mn)含量有所增加,褚岛西侧水体的COD_(Mn)含量较东侧水体COD_(Mn)含量来说整体偏高。 According to the chemical oxygen demand(CODMn) values and the apparent optical properties measured in July and September 2017 located in northern Chu Island off Weihai, Shandong Province, combined with CDOM product provided by the sensors GOCI(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager) mounted on the COMS(Communication, Ocean Meteorological Satellite). Also based on Star synchronize data to verify the current model of inverse CDOM on account of remote sensing reflectance, it is capale of making determination of the suitable inversion model of CDOM concentration. Through the correlation analysis between the CODMn content in testing area and CDOM concentration of water bodies retrieved by remote sensing, this paper establishes the CODMn remote sensing inversion model based on CDOM value. The model is applied to the remote sensing images of the sea area under test and get the sea area CODMn concentration map. Based on these thematic maps, the spatiotemporal distribution of CODMn in the test sea area is analyzed. The results show that:(1) with time and site dynamic changes, GOCI-based CDOM product values closer to the offshore are higher, and in the same place,the fluctuation of CDOM in one hour is also larger.(2) the time of CODMn concentration based on LANDSAT 8/OLI(Operational Land Imager)remote sensing data is dynamically changing. Overall, the CODMn content of the water near Chu Island is relatively low and the northern part witnesses higher CODMn content. The CODMn content of the water body on the west side of Chu Island is higher than that of the water body on the east side.
作者 黄妙芬 王忠林 邢旭峰 陈亮 孙忠泳 HUANG Miao - fen , WANG Zhong - lin , XING Xu - feng , CHEN Liang, SUN Zhong -yong(College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, Guangdong Province, Chin)
出处 《海洋技术学报》 2018年第2期63-70,共8页 Journal of Ocean Technology
基金 国家重点研发计划重点专项资助项目(2016YFC1401203) 广东海洋大学科研启动经费资助项目(E16187) 广东海洋大学2017年"创新强校工程"自主创新能力提升项目资助(GDOU2017052501)
关键词 褚岛北部海域 有色可溶性有机物(CDOM) 化学需氧量CODMn 遥感分析 northern Chu Iasland waters chromo phoric dissolved organ icmatter (CDOM) chemical oxygen demand (CODM) remote sensing analysis
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