

Methylating Pattern of IGF2/H19 Imprinting Cluster in Clone Embryos
摘要 为了揭示牛核移植胚胎异常甲基化模式,选择配子期、S期、2-cell、8-cell和桑葚胚5个发育阶段的早期核移植胚胎作为试验组,以相应阶段的体外受精胚胎(IVF)作为对照,对核移植胚胎中呈父源印记的IGF2/H19基因簇ICR区进行了BSP测序。结果表明:SCNT的父源基因在S期之前发生了主动去甲基化,伴随着DNA复制的开始,又发生了被动去甲基化。SCNT胚胎父源基因与IVF胚的甲基化重建能力相当;筛选了1个去甲基化抑制机制的易感位点,H19的转录起始点前468 bp开始的262 bp序列中的4号甲基化位点。 In order to study the methylating pattern of bovine clone embryos,early cloned embryos at five development stages(gamophase,S phase,2-cell,8-cell and morula)were selected to study the methylating pattern of IGF2/H19 imprinting cluster by Bisulfite sequencing PCR(BSP). The results showed that actively demethylation of paternal germline was very weak before cleavage in early cloned embryos,and the ability of de novo methylation after 8-cell was the same as IVF embryos. One CPG Positions were found,which were prone to de novo methylation,they were respectively the fourth CPG Position located in a 262 bp region 468 bp upstream of the H19 transcriptional start.
作者 王巍 易军 唐慧 方东辉 甘佳 石溢 王淮 付茂忠 WangWei;Yi Jun;TangHui;FangDonghui;Gan Jia;ShiYi;WangHuai;FuMaozhong(Sichuan Animal Science Academy,Animal Breeding and Genetics Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,Chengdu 610066,China)
出处 《中国草食动物科学》 CAS 2018年第4期5-10,共6页 China Herbivore Science
基金 “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划课题(2015BAD03B04-3) 四川省科技支撑项目(2015NZ0020) 四川省应用基础项目(2015JY0181) 四川省育种攻关项目(2016NYZ0050)
关键词 牛核移植胚胎 甲基化 印记基因 H19基因 启动子 bovine embryos methylating imprinted gene H19 gene promoter
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