
碳配额交易政策对供应链决策的影响研究 被引量:6

Decision of A Two-echelon Supply Chain under Cap-and-trade Regulation
摘要 本文基于一个由单制造商和单零售商构成的两级供应链,考虑消费者低碳偏好对市场需求的影响,利用博弈论的思想和数值模拟的方法,研究了碳配额交易政策对供应链生产决策的影响。通过对模型进行对比分析,得出整体决策下供应链最优利润总是大于分散决策的结果,且整体决策下单位产品碳排放量降低的更多,说明整体决策更有利于企业减排成本的投入。利用数值模拟分析得出,碳配额只与供应链总利润有关系,呈线性正相关;而碳交易价格则影响了产品的价格、销售量、单位产品减排量以及利润等,其中碳交易价格的不断增加使得供应链最优总利润呈现出先不断减小而后逐渐增加的趋势。 This paper analyses the decision behavior for a two-echelon supply chain with a single manufacturer and a single retailer under a cap-and-trade regulation,using game theory and numerical simulation method to consider the impact of consumers' low carbon preferences on market demand. Through the comparative analysis of decentralized and centralized decision model,it is concluded that the profit of supply chain is always more than the decentralized decision,and the unit emission reductions are greater than the decentralized decision results,it indicates that the centralized decision is more conducive to the investment cost reduction of enterprises. With numerical simulation method,we can find out that the cap-and-trade regulation only has a certain relation with the total profit of the supply chain; while the price of carbon trading has the impact of the price of the product,sales volume,unit product emission reduction and profit of manufacturers and retailers,the increasing of carbon's price makes the optimal total profit of the supply chain presents a trend to decrease first and then gradually increase.
作者 路正南 成思瑜 朱新朗 Lu Zhengnan;Cheng Siyu;Zhu Xinlang(School of Management,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China)
出处 《工业技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期109-116,共8页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"配额嵌入模式下CTP螺旋驱动的产业系统低碳演化及政策引导"(项目编号:71673120) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"减排差别责任视角下碳市场软连接的配额策略及企业减排响应研究"(项目编号:16YJA630035)
关键词 碳配额交易 供应链 碳减排 碳交易价格 最优利润 数值仿真模拟 cap-and-trade supply chain carbon emission reduction carbon trading price optimal profit numericalsimulation
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