
脱脂椰麸谷蛋白-1抗氧化性的研究 被引量:1

Analysis on Antioxidant Activities of Defatted Coconut Cake Glutelin-1
摘要 从脱脂椰麸中提取椰麸谷蛋白-1,并分析脱脂椰麸谷蛋白-1(defatted coconut cake glutelin-1,DCCG-1)的氨基酸组成和体外抗氧化性,包括对超氧根离子自由基、羟基自由基和ABTS+·的清除能力,及其还原力与金属离子络合能力。结果表明,脱脂椰麸谷蛋白-1对超氧根离子自由基、ABTS+·、羟基自由基的清除能力较强,同时表现出较好的还原力和Fe2+络合能力。这表明脱脂椰麸谷蛋白-1具有较好的抗氧化性,在食品或其它工业中有潜在的用途。 The glutelin-1 was extracted from defatted coconut cake. The amino acid composition and antioxidantactivity of defatted coconut cake glutelin -1 was studied,including the scavenging activity on superoxideradical,hydroxyl radical and ABTS radical,and the reducing power and metal chelating capacity. Comparedwith butylated hydroxytoluene,defatted coconut cake glutelin-1(DCCG-1)demonstrated higher reducingpower and scavenging activity onO2-·and ABTS+·, but it showed lower· OH scavenging ability (20.48%)andchelating capacity (3.60%) . This indicateed that DCCG-1 had potential application as natural antioxidant infood or other industry.
作者 郭帅 李艳 GUO Shuai;LI Yan(College of Jinzhong,Yuci 030619,Shanxi,China;Food Science College,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 041004,Shanxi,China;Institute of Coconut Research,Chinese Academic Sciences of TropicalAgriculture,Wenchang 571339,Hainan,China)
出处 《食品研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第15期18-22,共5页 Food Research and Development
基金 海南省重点研发项目(ZDYF2017061)
关键词 脱脂椰麸 谷蛋白-1 自由基 络合力 defatted coconut cake glutelin-1 radicals chelating capacity
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