
采暖方式对农宅室内环境的影响 被引量:7

Influence of heating modes on indoor environment of rural residence
摘要 随着农村经济的发展和人们对冬季采暖时室内环境质量及其对人体健康影响的重视,为研究不同采暖方式对农宅室内环境的影响,本文在两个采暖季,在甘肃省民勤县选取一座农宅,在临洮县选取两座农宅,从室内热环境和室内空气质量两方面对比试验研究传统落地炕采暖、新型架空炕采暖、家用燃煤锅炉散热器采暖和太阳能散热器采暖四种采暖方式下的农宅室内环境,根据农村住宅建筑的实际使用情况,并参照《GB/T 5701—2008室内热环境条件》和《GB/T18883—2002室内空气质量标准》,确定室内热环境和室内空气质量的测试参数分别为室内温度、室内相对湿度、室内风速、室内平均辐射温度以及室内颗粒物(PM10和PM2.5)、CO、CO2和SO2。研究结果表明:开始供暖后,太阳能采暖房间室内热舒适等级为Ⅰ级,室内空气质量等级为Ⅱ级,室内空气未受到污染,室内空气中的污染物对健康人群基本无影响;燃煤锅炉采暖房间夜间室内舒适等级为Ⅱ级,室内空气质量等级为Ⅳ级;架空炕采暖房间和落地炕采暖房间室内热舒适度等级为Ⅲ级,室内空气质量等级为Ⅴ级。可知太阳能采暖下供暖房间的室内热环境与室内空气质量最优,具有极高的推广价值。 With the development of rural economy and the attention of people to the indoor environment quality and the influence on human health during the winter heating,in order to study the influence of different heating methods on the indoor environment of rural residence,this paper selects a rural house from Minqin County and Lintao County of Gansu Province in two heating seasons,from indoor thermal environment and indoor air quality,the traditional floor Kang heating,overhead Kang heating,household coal-fired boiler radiator heating and solar radiator heating were studied.According to the actual use of rural residential buildings,and referring to the"GB/T 5701—2008 indoor thermal environment conditions"and "GB/T 18883—2002 indoor air quality standard",the indoor thermal environment and indoor air quality test parameters are determined as indoor temperature,indoor relative humidity,indoor wind speed,indoor average radiation temperature and indoor particulate matter(PM10 and PM2.5),CO,CO2 and SO2.The results show that the indoor thermal comfort level of the solar energy heating room is grade I after heating,and the indoor air quality grade is class II,the indoor air is not polluted,and the pollutants in the indoor air have no effect on the healthy population.The indoor comfort level of coal fired boiler heating room is grade II,and indoor air quality grade is grade IV.The indoor thermal comfort level of the floor Kang heating room and the over head Kang heating room is grade III,and the indoor air quality grade is grade V.It is known that the indoor thermal environment and the indoor air quality of the heating rooms under solar energy heating are the best,which has high promotion value.
作者 文小兵 关文静 李金平 李红博 Wen Xiaobing;Guan Wenjing;Li Jinping;Li Hongbo(Lintao County,Gansu Province,Rural Energy Management Office,Lintao,730500,China;Western China Energy & Environment Research Center,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou,730050,China;China Northwestern Collaborative Innovation Center of Low-carbon Urbanization Technologies,Lanzhou,730050,China;Key Laboratory of Complementary Energy Supply System of Biomass Energy and Solar Energy,Gansu Province,Lanzhou,730050,China;College of Energy and Power Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou,730050,China)
出处 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2018年第7期63-70,共8页 Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization
基金 国家自然科学基金(51676094) 甘肃省国际科技合作专项(1604WKCA009) 兰州市人才创新创业项目(2017-RC-34)
关键词 农村住宅 采暖方式 室内热环境 室内空气质量 太阳能散热器采暖 rural residence heating modes indoor thermal environment indoor air quality solar energy radiator heating
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